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Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!

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Certainly doesn't auto-mount, and I've tried the  regular disk mount tool.
Is there a command that I can use to accomplish the task?

First do:
modprobe usb-storage

Add a line like this to /etc/fstab

/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb vfat ro,noauto,user 0 0

Replace /mnt/usb with whatever directory you want to mount it as. You can then mount it with
mount /mnt/usb
You may be able to get it to automount with autofs, but I don't know; I don't use it.


This works, but it's retardedly slow, it takes minutes in Linux, and seconds in XP.

Is there anything I can do about this?

It takes minutes just to mount, or to actually transfer files?

Transfer files, when you click on a file, it takes ages for it to download, you can almost see it appear pixel by pixel.


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