All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!

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As a Microsoft supporter all I have to say is those terms don't piss me off at all. I find them rather childish. I would never be inclined to take the advice of people who act like 12 year olds. I would be more likely to switch if I was taking the advice of a person who acts like a mature adult who knows what he is talking about.

I think it is childish to call anything silly names. I would never take a windows zealot seriously if he was going around calling Linux names like Linsucks, Lamenux, etc. The internet would be a better place if there were more mature adults around.


quote:The great thing about Fluxbox is that it's attributes are based on text based config files.
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And KDE/Gnome don't use text based config files?


quote:I have scoured the Internet and I still can't find a prober driver for my graphics card
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What card is this?

the names are shitty, dude. drop 'em.

anyway, don't bitch about things not working. I'm a badass 'cos I run Red Hat 8, and I'm beating it into submission.

tell us what your hardware is so we can actually help you instead of just saying "my video card"

if you've got a storebought machine, I'll wager that it's some form of integrated video. likely Intel 810... in which case, you should have an accelerated server for that.


quote:And KDE/Gnome don't use text based config files?
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Dunno.  They probably do.  But all the eye candy definately takes it's toll.  It's been at least a year since I've used either KDE or Gnome for more than 5 I'm can't say how they handle things now.  I should have probably clarified that though.  Fluxbox has config files that are easy for the user to edit.  It may be for lack of looking, but I've only seen programs designed to change the look and feel of KDE or Gnome.  I guess I just like the minimalist approach to Fluxbox and Blackbox.


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