Author Topic: Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!  (Read 6741 times)


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Me and my family purchased a PC about 2 months ago (not brill 1800MHz AMD 256MB RAM 40GB hard drive), it came with Microcock Winbolze Xpee already installed.

Not only did you bastardize two insult spellings of "Windows" (Winblows and Windoze), you misspelled it. GREAT JORB.

It ran well for all of 3 days, then (for no apparent reason) it started to display stupid error messages when shut down (GUI error blah...), we hadn't even connected to the Internet.

There's gotta  be a reason. Problems don't just show up. You did something... probably installed an assload of bullshit games and 50 crappy half-ass photo editors. Oh yeah, OEM installs always suck shit. Same is true of Mac OS X. I fucking hate OEM installs of any OS. Not only are they always more unstable, they're always weighted down with a million crappy ass apps, ad-ware, and shitty ass "OEM custom" features that fuck things up.

When we did connect all was well for a week (apart from the previous problem) then for some reason we contracted the netsky virus, the latest update for our virus scanner fixed it (or it said it did but we still get messages saying that some non-existent file is infected.). Now every now and again it hangs even when it's not being used!

This is your own fault for not installing the damn security updates. Those are released for a reason.

Someone at work said to me
Go the fuck ~


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Aloone, don't get too discouraged.  Jimmy does this to everybody.  :D   It's fun to read but lots of people just don't know until they come here.  You have been saved.  It only gets better.  ;)
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Indeed. I should have said "welcome to Linux, friend".


Welcome to Linux, friend! it's worth it.
Go the fuck ~


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Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Indeed. I should have said "welcome to Linux, friend".


Welcome to Linux, friend! it's worth it.

   :D    Thanks JimmyJames, I still look back on my first two posts an laugh!

the names are shitty, dude. drop 'em.

What do you mean?
I'm surprised that people here at are so against silly nicknames for Microsoft products!
Perhaps this site should be in for another name change!

Oh well if you people hate them so much, I will try to refrain from using them, It has become a habit though. I find myself using them in college work.

ps According to Control Panel my graphics card:
Chip Type:        S3 ProSavage DDB
DAC Type:         S3 SDAC
Memory Size:      32MB
Adapter String:   S3 Compatible Display Adapter
Bios Version:

Linux uses a generic S3 Adapter driver which is slow, and only detects 16MB of video RAM. I have set it to 32MB with negligible difference in performance.

[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]

This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Aloone: ps According to Control Panel my graphics card:
Chip Type:        S3 ProSavage DDB
DAC Type:         S3 SDAC
Memory Size:      32MB
Adapter String:   S3 Compatible Display Adapter
Bios Version:

Linux uses a generic S3 Adapter driver which is slow, and only detects 16MB of video RAM. I have set it to 32MB with negligible difference in performance.

So what kind of videocard do you have? Slackware Linux 10 picks my GeForce 4 up as "VESA", but after installing the Linux drivers off, I was able to run Unreal Tournament 2004 on it at 1024


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Well, the S3 is certainly not an nVidia card.

S3 as a company ceases to exist.  So, the generic S3 driver is probably your best bet, unless the manufacturer of your particular card has a driver.  Go to the Device Manager in Windows, what's the name the of the card itself?  (Or, look at the stuff that came with your computer.)
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WMD: Well, the S3 is certainly not an nVidia card.

S3 as a company ceases to exist.  So, the generic S3 driver is probably your best bet, unless the manufacturer of your particular card has a driver.  Go to the Device Manager in Windows, what's the name the of the card itself?  (Or, look at the stuff that came with your computer.)

Did I say S3 was nVidia? Anyway, fuck Windows, hwinfo for MS-DOS kicks more ass. No need to boot into Windows. Maybe it'll even work with DOSEMU, but I'm not certain.


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I get exactly the same information about my graphics card from both control panel an device manager, and as for not booting into Windows and  as for using hwinfo for MS-DOS, this is not possible as I'm using Winbloze Xpee, which has an NT not a DOS kernel. I did check and there is a windows version available, but it's shareware.

      I fucking hate shareware, you can only use it for so long and then you have to register, and if you uninstall it always leaves some fucking shit behind to slow your computer down and make it so you can't reinstall.

Shareware at first seemed a good idea until I wondered why my old system was starting to slow down after I had tried out a few shareware programs and then I searched my registry and it was full of shit, my hard drive was also riddled with hidden files, and I noticed that every time I booted some of the shareware shit was still being loaded into memory even though I told Winbloze to delete it many years ago.

When I cleaned up my hard drive and rebooted I got loads of errors as Windows still expected the shit to still be there, then I cleaned up my registry, and finally I had to edit WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI.

And before you say, I'm not a total Fuck head I did uninstall everything properly (You know add remove programs) I didn't just delete the  directories.      

I bet all the shit that gets left behind is bloody  retarded spyware.

Anyway        shareware and        all the companys that push shareware shit, their just as bad as bloody Bill Gates!

[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]

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Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Why is shareware worse than payware?
You like spending money?

About the kernel compiling in GNU/Linux, any newbie can do this. Try the newbie forum from LQ, people ask those questions all the time and they always get help. You don't even have to understand what you're doing.

[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
R. Stallman


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insomnia you cheap arse!

When you pay for software you pay for the developmant costs, ie the software engineers time. Because of this you often get a better product in the end.

Some free softare sucks and the proprietary equivalent is good, for example:

Microsoft Equation Editor (came with "  :D  M$ Works  :D  " OEM install on my PC) is good. (well they did buy it from Design Science Inc.)

The open source equivalent Math sucks horribly.

Equation Editor is compatable with too, and it't the only reason why I keep my "  :D  M$ Works  :D  " CD.

Also how many good open source games are there?
Perhaps someone should write some.

And there is some open source payware available, ever heard of Red Hat Linux, Linspire, or  evan Mac OSX?

Not all developers are geeks like yourself who program just because they have nothing else better to do!

[ June 30, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]

This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Mac OSX is not open source.  The kernel and some other core tech is, but overall it's not open.

When you pay for software you pay for the developmant costs, ie the software engineers time. Because of this you often get a better product in the end.

That's usually true in terms of how easy the program is to use, but not how good the programming job is.  Take Windoze and lots of other MS software: it's easy to use, but the core tech is a load of crap.  The opposite holds true for much free software.

Also how many good open source games are there?

Tux Racer.  I love that game.  :D
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Originally posted by Aloone:
Also how many good open source games are there?
Perhaps someone should write some.

i think psyjax is making some kind of game, im not sure if it will be open source though.
just say know


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I didn't know that Mach was OSS
Go the fuck ~


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Darwin, not Mach.
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"Yes there's nothing wrong with going around being rude and selfish, killing people and fucking married women, but being childish is a cardinal sin around these parts." -Aloone_Jonez


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[ July 01, 2004: Message edited by: insomnia ]

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
R. Stallman