All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!

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I can see both your points.... well, not really.

Aloone, don't be so boorish and rude. What the hell did insomnia say to make you mouth off like that?

So, you guys simmer.

everybody else, come to my forums

insomnia, I wasn't having a go, I just disagree with you. You really need to lighten up. I'm very suprised that the insults in my post upset you, when you post lame insults like this:

You're truly retarted.

Get a working linux system and stop acting like a stupid kid.
(or buy a PS2)

--- End quote ---

The piss poor insults didn't bother me, the only thing that did is that you only read my first post and then jumped to the wrong conclusion.

However I admit I've also done wrong by only reading half of your post, however I wish to make mends by responding to it:

quote: About the kernel compiling in GNU/Linux, any newbie can do this. Try the newbie forum from LQ, people ask those questions all the time and they always get help. You don't even have to understand what you're doing.
--- End quote ---

Thanks for your advice I will check it out when I have finished this mass of college work that needs to by handed in two weeks time.


quote:Originally posted by Aloone:

What do you mean?
I'm surprised that people here at are so against silly nicknames for Microsoft products!
Perhaps this site should be in for another name change!

Oh well if you people hate them so much, I will try to refrain from using them, It has become a habit though. I find myself using them in college work.

--- End quote ---

We usually don't care unless you use them every sentence, like you did.


quote:insomnia: So the "arse" thing was meant funny? (I stopped reading after that.)

Oh well, maybe you're right.
--- End quote ---

Niet iedereen is slim genoeg of vrije software te gebruiken, er zijn nog steeds sukkels die slechtere zooi kopen, terwijl het v


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:

Niet iedereen is slim genoeg of vrije software te gebruiken, er zijn nog steeds sukkels die slechtere zooi kopen, terwijl het v


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