Author Topic: Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!  (Read 6746 times)


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S3 Savage. lol

no. Linux doesn't have a problem with hardware.

Red Hat 9 plays DVDs better in Xine than windows does on my box.

But then, I don't have a good DVD player app. I'm forced to use VideoLan because I can't find my nVidia DVD player CD!  
Go the fuck ~


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Originally posted by Werre:
Insomnia, openoffices equation editor is hardly "the open source equivalent" to M$ offices one... Try "LyX", it has the best equation editor ever (hardly surprising, since LyX is basicly What-you-get-is-what-you-WANT-interface on top of LaTeX, which happens to be very good in handling equations).
That said, even the openoffices equation editor is quite usable for small stuff, it's just not as visual as the M$ one.

Indeed. is allmost as bad as Ms Office.
...I already use LaTeX so I don't see the point in using LyX...
For an easy graphical office system, you could also try AbiWord.
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Originally posted by insomnia:

...I already use LaTeX so I don't see the point in using LyX...

LyX does have a significant advantage.  By typing the markup language code in by hand, you have the opportunity to make a syntax error, which can sometimes be a pain in the neck to find and fix.

I use both... LaTeX more often than LyX.
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Originally posted by M. O'Brien:

LyX does have a significant advantage.  By typing the markup language code in by hand, you have the opportunity to make a syntax error, which can sometimes be a pain in the neck to find and fix.

I use both... LaTeX more often than LyX.

It's still slower than LaTeX.
...and why making LaTeX WYSIWYM...?
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
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i only had to read the firstp age of replys...

most of you are retards..

how can u have any real issue with windows XP?
Linux is just as vulnrable to most straight forward hacking and virus attacks.

I install XP configure what i need to install 3 programs and ime secure. i dont even need to install security updates (although i usually do), and i dont use MSIE.

i could go all month with straight uptime, enjoy windows full on gaming, media and whatnot without 1 system error or crash.

i use my pc all day everyday from work tasks to leasure and gaming. no problems.
Stable fast and error free. ive got a shitload of apps running and installed "67 Processes right now".
And my system can take a beating, power failures that last to long for my ups, and the rare occasion i instal lsomething that apparently renders my pc unusable ... gotta spend a good while fixing it, Formatting is not an option !
Fixed - Good as new

If you cant get windows to run like this you must be a retard, windows is very straight forward to use, and even personalize... u dont need much skill to replace the uxtheme.dll and make your own skin. and ive worked in a local computer shop that sell and repair PC's for 6 months. 95% of the problems where the users been total retards using theyr PC, 60% of the jobs where the same customer returning with the same problem over and over.. and they have the nerve to say that we arent doing our job, maybe if they listen they wont get the same virus or other crap on theyr pc.

theyrs been alot of seriusly evil worms and viruses out and i havent been infected with even 1 and ive had a few people try to hack me, no one has succeeded, well i know that becuase my firewall loged the same IP for an entire week.

[ July 11, 2004: Message edited by: Visentinel ]


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Visentinel: and they have the nerve to say that we arent doing our job, maybe if they listen they wont get the same virus or other crap on theyr pc.

I had the same problem once. The issue here is people having Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, no firewall and no virusscanner.

Visentinel: theyrs been alot of seriusly evil worms and viruses out and i havent been infected with even 1 and ive had a few people try to hack me, no one has succeeded, well i know that becuase my firewall loged the same IP for an entire week.

I'm sure you have a good firewall, a good virusscanner, and you're not using Internet Explorer. But does the everyday user have all that?
An operating system should be secured out of the box, which is something Linux, Mac OS X and BSD have.

Visentinel: Linux is just as vulnrable to most straight forward hacking and virus attacks.

Linux is just as vulnrable? Man, that's just impossible. Although you can run Windows programs on Linux, the two operating systems are nothing alike.
Also, you spelling is an indication that you didn't really put time in writing your little rambling. Common man, you're from Australia, I'm sure you can write better English than that. Shit, even I'm better than you at this moment, and I'm not even good at English.


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nope i did not put much time, i did not haveto think much to write that since its just a quick post and run.

here ile try and spell this time

No OS is Secure out of box for every configuration
Windows is bad for this, but who cares, i dont, i can fix the problems quickly in a few minutes after formatting. i wouldnt give up using the only real gameable os over a few minutes.

I'm sure you have a good firewall, a good virusscanner, and you're not using Internet Explorer. But does the everyday user have all that?
An operating system should be secured out of the box, which is something Linux, Mac OS X and BSD have.

Dont see why they shouldnt.
Almost all Linux users are

Most windows users are total fools, Computer Illiterate = Ignorant - that run unsecure systems.

then we wonder why sites like these exist .... " sigh "


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Originally posted by Visentinel:
but who cares, i dont, i can fix the problems quickly in a few minutes after formatting.

  :rolleyes:    :rolleyes:    :rolleyes:  
( this for real????...)
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
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Yeh its for real, my system is nice and secure, bout as good as it gets without getting a pro in here to edit source code?

Hey nice Quotes btw

~ edit
You got an English Mirror of that site or will i haveto use google translate ( kinda bodgy ) ?

[ July 11, 2004: Message edited by: Visentinel ]


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Originally posted by Visentinel:

Hey nice Quotes btw

~ edit
You got an English Mirror of that site or will i haveto use google translate ( kinda bodgy ) ?

[ July 11, 2004: Message edited by: Visentinel ]
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
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Remember, these are the same linux usera who make fun of windows users for having anti-virus and firewalls.

And put chkrootkit into cron, and have iptables/ipchains running, and a squid box.

100% of security is up to the user.

If a linux user does not run iptables, and check for rootkit's.  well, I have no sympathy if he gets r00ted.

If a windows user runs with no firewall, and without an anti-virus,  no sympathy if his box becomes an open relay for spam.

chkrootkit: I would reccommend putting it in cron.

if you thought windows apps were insecure, you've never seen sendmail. ;P
2 motherfuckers have sigged me so far.  Fuck yeah!


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the common windows user that leaves theyr systems so insecure make windows look bad, and since theyr common, generally people think windows is just this unsecure OS that must die.

if linux had a billion people knocking at its door trying to find insecurities, linux would have just as much trouble as windows XP with security.

but it aint linux running on 600 million PCS arround the world.

Windows can be Secured, just as well as linux. just no one really tries   :mad:


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Visentinel: if linux had a billion people knocking at its door trying to find insecurities, linux would have just as much trouble as windows XP with security.

You don't seem to understand that Linux is secure out of the box (of course you have to update it once in a while). Windows doesn't. It leaves all the vurnrable ports open (5000), and runs services which comprimises security (Messenger, UPnP, etc.).


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Why do you care? What's in it for you? Why do you give so much of a shit what OS other people run? Does it really matter to you that much? Would it ruin your life to know that one more person dual-boots to Linux? What does it matter?

You seem to be on the verge of being obsessive/compulsive about Windows. I run XP Pro on my box here because I like it. I dual boot to Red Hat 9 because I like it.

Just use what you like and shut the fuck up.

Go the fuck ~


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Yes, Jimmy but it's this subject makes an excellent debate, and we need to inform the misinformed and educate the uneducated.

Visentinel, good spelling, punctuation and grammar, helps makes posts easier to read, also it makes people take you more seriously. If you don't think about your posts, then why should people bother to read them?

If you have a problem with spelling or English in general, then type your posts into a word processor beforehand as I do.

I suffer from dyslexia, and my spelling is a lot better than yours.

Have you ever used Linux before?

[ July 14, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]

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