All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!

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quote:Visentinel: and they have the nerve to say that we arent doing our job, maybe if they listen they wont get the same virus or other crap on theyr pc.
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I had the same problem once. The issue here is people having Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, no firewall and no virusscanner.

quote:Visentinel: theyrs been alot of seriusly evil worms and viruses out and i havent been infected with even 1 and ive had a few people try to hack me, no one has succeeded, well i know that becuase my firewall loged the same IP for an entire week.
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I'm sure you have a good firewall, a good virusscanner, and you're not using Internet Explorer. But does the everyday user have all that?
An operating system should be secured out of the box, which is something Linux, Mac OS X and BSD have.

quote:Visentinel: Linux is just as vulnrable to most straight forward hacking and virus attacks.
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Linux is just as vulnrable? Man, that's just impossible. Although you can run Windows programs on Linux, the two operating systems are nothing alike.
Also, you spelling is an indication that you didn't really put time in writing your little rambling. Common man, you're from Australia, I'm sure you can write better English than that. Shit, even I'm better than you at this moment, and I'm not even good at English.

nope i did not put much time, i did not haveto think much to write that since its just a quick post and run.

here ile try and spell this time

No OS is Secure out of box for every configuration
Windows is bad for this, but who cares, i dont, i can fix the problems quickly in a few minutes after formatting. i wouldnt give up using the only real gameable os over a few minutes.

quote:I'm sure you have a good firewall, a good virusscanner, and you're not using Internet Explorer. But does the everyday user have all that?
An operating system should be secured out of the box, which is something Linux, Mac OS X and BSD have.
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Dont see why they shouldnt.
Almost all Linux users are

Most windows users are total fools, Computer Illiterate = Ignorant - that run unsecure systems.

then we wonder why sites like these exist .... " sigh "


quote:Originally posted by Visentinel:
but who cares, i dont, i can fix the problems quickly in a few minutes after formatting.
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  :rolleyes:    :rolleyes:    :rolleyes:  
( this for real????...)


Yeh its for real, my system is nice and secure, bout as good as it gets without getting a pro in here to edit source code?

Hey nice Quotes btw

~ edit
You got an English Mirror of that site or will i haveto use google translate ( kinda bodgy ) ?

[ July 11, 2004: Message edited by: Visentinel ]


quote:Originally posted by Visentinel:

Hey nice Quotes btw

~ edit
You got an English Mirror of that site or will i haveto use google translate ( kinda bodgy ) ?

[ July 11, 2004: Message edited by: Visentinel ]
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