All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!

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Remember, these are the same linux usera who make fun of windows users for having anti-virus and firewalls.

And put chkrootkit into cron, and have iptables/ipchains running, and a squid box.

100% of security is up to the user.

If a linux user does not run iptables, and check for rootkit's.  well, I have no sympathy if he gets r00ted.

If a windows user runs with no firewall, and without an anti-virus,  no sympathy if his box becomes an open relay for spam.

chkrootkit: I would reccommend putting it in cron.

if you thought windows apps were insecure, you've never seen sendmail. ;P

the common windows user that leaves theyr systems so insecure make windows look bad, and since theyr common, generally people think windows is just this unsecure OS that must die.

if linux had a billion people knocking at its door trying to find insecurities, linux would have just as much trouble as windows XP with security.

but it aint linux running on 600 million PCS arround the world.

Windows can be Secured, just as well as linux. just no one really tries   :mad:


quote:Visentinel: if linux had a billion people knocking at its door trying to find insecurities, linux would have just as much trouble as windows XP with security.
--- End quote ---

You don't seem to understand that Linux is secure out of the box (of course you have to update it once in a while). Windows doesn't. It leaves all the vurnrable ports open (5000), and runs services which comprimises security (Messenger, UPnP, etc.).


Why do you care? What's in it for you? Why do you give so much of a shit what OS other people run? Does it really matter to you that much? Would it ruin your life to know that one more person dual-boots to Linux? What does it matter?

You seem to be on the verge of being obsessive/compulsive about Windows. I run XP Pro on my box here because I like it. I dual boot to Red Hat 9 because I like it.

Just use what you like and shut the fuck up.

Yes, Jimmy but it's this subject makes an excellent debate, and we need to inform the misinformed and educate the uneducated.

Visentinel, good spelling, punctuation and grammar, helps makes posts easier to read, also it makes people take you more seriously. If you don't think about your posts, then why should people bother to read them?

If you have a problem with spelling or English in general, then type your posts into a word processor beforehand as I do.

I suffer from dyslexia, and my spelling is a lot better than yours.

Have you ever used Linux before?

[ July 14, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]


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