All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Linsux and Winbloze - There is no decent operating system for the PC!
quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
But then, I don't have a good DVD player app.
--- End quote ---
Try Ogle:
No, he's missing a good DVD player for *Windows*, not Linux. He has Xine there. ;)
yes. I have xine. it works very well. I have since found my nvidia discs and have installed NVDVD in windows
I don't care what you people say but Linux does have, some major shortcomings, these are mostly down to lack of industry support.
You just don't get it do you, no one is going to use an OS that doesn't support their hardware fully, people will always return to Windows do some tasks, even if it's just downloading their digital camera.
I bet that most Linux users here dual boot, or have a separate Windows system. I find dual booting very inconvenient. I think that it's silly to use openoffice in Linux, then boot to Windows to extract a picture from my camera, then boot back into Linux, when I can just perform the whole procedure in Windows.
Are you sure you can't use your camera as a USB storage device?
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