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Ubuntu Help?
That apt command above is incorrect. Doing "apt-get update" and then "apt-get dist-upgrade" simply installs all patches for the current release. To upgrade to a whole newer version, you have to first change /etc/apt/apt.sources (or whatever its called) to reflect the new version. This involves changing all refereneces in the file to "hoary" to, i'm guessing, "breezy". Then, to be safe, shut down the GUI, and run the two commands at the beginning of this post.
Sorry Aloone, my dist-upgrade was incorrect. I guess it's because us Debian users don't exactly run it very often. :)
I'm a bid pissed now ( 6 pionts of cider haven't helped) but I've changed it too /dev/hda4 /mnt/windows ntfs user 0 0 wtf this is exactly as piratePenguin suggested unless I've either fucked up or my PC hates me. :confused:
Make sure the user has read/write permissions to the mount directory (/mnt/windows). Also, make sure that the user you want to use is actually a member of the group 'user' - that's one reason to make your own new group.
If you can't mount the drive by hand as root, then there is something else wrong entirely - possibly a mistake on partition numbering. I noticed that your root is 1, NTFS is 4, and Linux swap is 5. That sounds like a strange order.
Friends don't let friends drink and configure ;)
I've tried doing what you said sober and my ntfs partition mounts with user access now.
Another thing thats pissing me off is the meadia player that came with Ubuntu doesn't have any codes, wtf how pointless is this?
Can I use the ones on my Windows install and where do I download them from?
Also it doesn't actually say which codec I need to play a file so how the fuck am I supposed to know what to download?
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