Operating Systems > macOS

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---OS X is a cool, simple OS, but that's not my kinda OS.
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What exactly do you mean by this?  Do you mean that OSX's coolness is not cool enough for you?  Do you mean that simple is not something you look for in an OS?  Or what?

The concept, the power, and the look of OSX can whomp anything else I have seen hands down.  The combination of *nix power under the hood with a beautiful gui that you can use or not use, depending on your preferences, is futuristic and useful.  I think that OSX is perhaps the perfect operating system.  Grandmas can use it, hackers who love vi can use it, toolsmiths who like to script everything with perl can use it, graphic artists can use it, and filmmakers can use it too.  It's incredible in its versatility.

OSX's only problem, as far as I can see, is that it is under Apple's control.  This has never actually affected me in any way, but I can see how it could.  Apple can lock out certain protocols or take over certain protocols if they choose, and although it hasn't happened yet, it could.

Don't get me wrong, I like Linux too.  But I think OSX is the perfect medium between Linux and Windows, and I wish more people had the chance to realize that, because it would change the way a lot of people think about Windows.

Why would you go to great lengths to replace OS X with something that is less? By leaving it in place, all you have to do is install a package manager, like apt-get, and install UNIX software. Then you run it.

Guess what? Go to an OS X machine and login as ">console"... and it dumps you at a text console! This is NeXTSTEP we're talking about here. It's a serious UNIX, and isn't meant to be taken lightly. This is the real thing... this is UNIX, not a *nix clone.


--- Quote from: worker201 ---What exactly do you mean by this?  Do you mean that OSX's coolness is not cool enough for you?  Do you mean that simple is not something you look for in an OS?  Or what?
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I definetly don't look for simple. And I only care about cool after ten minutes, when I wanna do something useful.

I don't think GNU/Linux is perfect for everyone, but I do think it's perfect for me. OS X has nothing on it. I can think of at least one quite significant thing that GNU/Linux has on OS X, and worker almost touched on it. Free gift* for whoever guesses it.

* may not recieve free gift.
--- Quote ---great lengths
--- End quote ---
What great lengths? I imagine I'd have a perfectly setup Ubuntu in no more than 40 mins. I most likely wouldn't stay on Ubuntu, but still.

Setting up a perfect GNU/Linux system on a Mac, I imagine, would be just like doing so on a PC. I wouldn't stay with OS X, because I'd rather switch to GNU/Linux. I prefer using GNU/Linux to OS X, it's what I'm confortable with, and there's nothing wrong with it (otherwise it might be worth getting used to OS X).

(Everything IMO.)

I don't like guessing games.  Post the answer.  Knowledge is useless if nobody knows it.


--- Quote from: worker201 ---I don't like guessing games.  Post the answer.  Knowledge is useless if nobody knows it.
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You can run a completely free (as in freedom), usable GNU/Linux system. Can't do that with OS X.


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