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US pastor calls for boycott of Microsoft, HP

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That doesn't change the fact that not every profit-making organization is the "evil empire".

Interestingly, a similar bill went through Colorado about 12 years ago.  The goal of the bill was simply to add sexual orientation to the growing list of things that you could not be discriminated for.  It would have provided homosexuals the right to rent an apartment, just like everyone else.  The conservative element in the state started a huge disinformation campaign against the bill.  They claimed that the bill would offer homosexuals "special rights".  And nobody wants homosexuals to have "special" rights, do they?  Even though the real goal of the bill was to prevent homosexuals from being categorically deprived of their basic rights.

After giant media flame wars and much mass confusion, the vote went just like it does in every other state.  The bill passed in every city with more than 100,000 people.  And failed miserably everywhere else.  Therefore, in Colorado, it is perfectly legal to not give a gay man a job, simply because he is gay.  I think Washington might have the same problem.  Seattle and Bellingham and the Microsoftian suburbs are pretty liberal, and would probably be in favor of such a bill.  And all the loggers of southern Washington and rednecks of eastern Washington will side with the damn reverend.  Watch out for a close vote.

Next, we'll start denying rights to everyone who has ever had anal sex.  And then everyone who has bought porn.  And then everyone with a tattoo.  And then everyone who has ever written/thought/said the word 'fuck'.  From there, the downward deadly spiral cannot be stopped, and this country will degenerate into a black hole of rational thought where only castrated men can survive.  Is that what we want?

Only the giants, not every profit making organization. And I would say "self-righteous", not "evil". But they have a right to make money, so save the complaints about them. Just bend over and shut up, guys


--- Quote from: worker201 ---However, HP is also a company that sells crippled hardware systems to grandmas at BestBuy.  They still do some innovating, but their consumer market has eclipsed their corporate image.  And consumer PC companies are crazy.  I could go out right now and get an HP laptop that would not work with Linux - that's part of the Windows market, I guess.

So HP isn't perfect just because their printers are Linux compatible.
--- End quote ---

HP laptops own!, i have one :)

HP Pavilionze4700
30GB IDE hdd
AMD Athlon XP 2600+ M, 1.9GHZ, 512k L2 cache

Running Debian etch :P


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---I don't get why MS/any company would voice their opinions on these things... Who the hell cares what MICROSOFT thinks? Who the hell is "Microsoft"? What matters is the opinions of the people, in MS and everywhere else.
--- End quote ---

In the US companies are almost citizens.  They pay taxes (the smaller ones, at least) and they have the government's ear more than the citizens do.  MS wants to have a say in any regulation that affects their HR department or expenses.  In this case one of their motivations is benefits packages.  They don't want to pay for the significant-others of gay employees as they do spouses.  It's all about the bottom line.


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