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US pastor calls for boycott of Microsoft, HP

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--- Quote from: veridicus ---In the US companies are almost citizens. They pay taxes (the smaller ones, at least) and they have the government's ear more than the citizens do. MS wants to have a say in any regulation that affects their HR department or expenses. In this case one of their motivations is benefits packages. They don't want to pay for the significant-others of gay employees as they do spouses. It's all about the bottom line.
--- End quote ---

You're confused.  In this particular case, Microsoft is acting pro-gay, not anti-gay.  If they were anti-gay, it would probably be an issue having to do with benefits packages.  But Microsoft has publicly stated that they do not use sexual orientation when making hiring decisions.  Probably because a gay coder isn't much different from a straight coder, in the office anyway.  By not hiring homosexuals, Microsoft would be ceding many brilliant programmers to their competitors.  Which is definitely against their bottom line.

My take - I figure that Microsoft, HP, Nike, Boeing, etc, already have sexual non-discriminatory policies in place, for utilitarian reasons.  Their support of legal non-discrimination is probably just a PR move - appealing to the strong liberal character of northwestern Washington.  And I have to admit, it does make them look like the good guys.

I seem to recall a big stink a few years ago about how the American Methodist church was going to boycott Disney because they hired gay people to work at their theme parks and paid them spousal benefits for their partners.  And look at how much fucking good that did - Disney's market position is probably stronger than Microsoft's.  Church boycotts are all bark and no bite.  Thank god.

Anyway, I don't like this pro-gay or anti-gay crap, if everyone were gay there'd be no children or everyone would be conceived by IVF, and being anti-gay is bad since it's against human rights, how about being pro-do_whatever_the_fuck_you_like_so_long_as_you_don't_harm_anyone?


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---if everyone were gay there'd be no children or everyone would be conceived by IVF
--- End quote ---
Yea but most people aren't gay, and it'll probably stay that way.

I've never heard anyone preach "pro-gay" as in "YOU SHOULD ALL BY GAY, SINNERS!", just pro-gay-rights really.

--- Quote ---pro-do_whatever_the_fuck_you_like_so_long_as_you_don't_harm_anyone?
--- End quote ---
That'll do me.

The thing that annoys me about this USeless pastor is that even if the bill was passed it won't directly affect him in ANY WAY. He just wants to stop gay people from getting rights, what a fucking waster.

I'm not pro-gay, but one thing I sure as hell am is anti-(anti-gay).


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez --- pro-do_whatever_the_fuck_you_like_so_long_as_you_don't_harm_anyone?
--- End quote ---

... and use a condom ... :D

Pro-gay meaning in support of gay rights (homosexuals deserve basic human freedoms, and protection of said freedoms)

Anti-gay meaning in opposition to gay rights (homosexuals do not deserve basic human freedoms, much less protection of said freedoms)

Sorry if that was a bit confusing.  I'm not for homosexuality or against it.  But I am in favor of gay rights.


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