All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

How do I crash WinMe

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Aaron Ni:
Faust, I'm not gone forever.  When I get a computer that I own completely then I'll install Linux (Or I'll get a Mac!)  do you get it?


quote:Originally posted by Aaron-V4.0:
...When I get a computer that I own completely then I'll install Linux...
--- End quote ---

But you should have this option when you purchase the system, without paying MS - Microsoft prevents that from happening. Therefore you buy a Dell and you're stuck paying for XP whether you want it or not. It's like movie theaters not allowing you to bring your own popcorn, since you have no choice, their popcorn don't have to be good.
Some companies like Gateway have tried to fight this policy.

Aaron Ni:
Yes yes I know that too!  When the time comes I will research it all.  *Isnt a moderator for looks.*

Well I'm sure this has been posted here before, but just in case you are not aware of it (and you wish to read it):
especially - H. Microsoft's Pricing Behavior - which is basically what I was referring to above.


quote:Originally posted by flap:

Because the packet's too big, so it causes a buffer overflow.
--- End quote ---

No it doesn't. Big packets don't crash anything.


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