Author Topic: Awful IM Log  (Read 1016 times)


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Awful IM Log
« on: 22 January 2006, 07:24 »
This is one of my oldest friends who lately has been talking seriously about how he plans to take over the world... I'm not kidding.

copperheadjon: howdy again
copperheadjon: lori and her friend are watching porn over here
murdock160: That's...
murdock160: I don't know.
murdock160: Torp 'em.
copperheadjon: these are totally not they're real names
copperheadjon: "Paul Pine" and "veronica heart"
murdock160: Nah
murdock160: I know people with names like that all the time
copperheadjon: lori: his penis is very umm... white
murdock160: I don't have a reply to that.
copperheadjon: it looks like undercooked chicken
copperheadjon: (still lori)
murdock160: ={===>
murdock160: That's a sword
murdock160: In ancient times
murdock160: When a man had failed utterly, he would throw himself upon his sword.
murdock160: You've failed in not talking about what you just told me.
murdock160: I really don't know what to say... or do... or think.
murdock160: That imagery was so bad
murdock160: The undercooked chicken statement
murdock160: I could have lived my entire life
murdock160: Without hearing that
copperheadjon: ;-)
murdock160: And it would not have been a wasted life.
copperheadjon: hey, i had to hear that from lori
murdock160: But now
murdock160: I feel as though a weight
murdock160: A burden
murdock160: Has been placed upon my soul.
murdock160: One so great
murdock160: So great...
murdock160: That nothing can ever lift it.
copperheadjon: i'm sorry
copperheadjon: but i had to hear it, so you did too
murdock160: Apology accepted.
murdock160: But don't expect that you're going to stop hearing me wax poetic about how bad it was!
murdock160: MY LIFE
murdock160: NO
murdock160: There has not been a time
murdock160: Such as this
murdock160: All for why?
murdock160: WHY
murdock160: Why I ask
murdock160: CAN YOU TELL ME?!?!
murdock160: NOES!!!!!1
murdock160: You say
murdock160: TEH PINUS OF TEH WITEHH1!!1
murdock160: I say
murdock160: O RLY
murdock160: YA RLY
murdock160: ROFLCOPTER
copperheadjon: sorry
copperheadjon: i went to make drinks
copperheadjon: had to mix some drinks for the ladies ;-)
murdock160: ZOMFGWTFBBQ
murdock160: :: flail ::
copperheadjon: JHFCIWGFIADABAS
copperheadjon: not if i getya first
murdock160: Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls!
murdock160: Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls!
murdock160: Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls! Oh my balls, my balls!
copperheadjon: i'd tap that
murdock160: Fatty buttcracks caked with dried turds
murdock160: They fill your visions at night!
murdock160: ROFLMAO
murdock160: roffel
murdock160: Ru'afo
murdock160: I dunno
murdock160: Do you begin to feel you've made a terrible mistake?
copperheadjon: not yet
murdock160: AND GUESS WHAT!?!?!
murdock160: SO DO YOU!!!!
copperheadjon: how'd you know? did jon send you one of our tapes?
murdock160: Comedy.
murdock160: You feel as though I jest.
murdock160: He told me.
murdock160: He tried to even proposition me!
copperheadjon: oh really?
murdock160: Yes indeed.
copperheadjon: how could you resist?
murdock160: Easily.
murdock160: For I am All That Is Man(TM).
copperheadjon: well jon told me a lot of things so i'm not sure i believe what you are saying
murdock160: I'll bet he told you a lot of things.
copperheadjon: indeed
murdock160: Most of them involve smoke and mirrors.
copperheadjon: kinky
murdock160: I'll show you kinky.
copperheadjon: oh really
murdock160: Well, yeah.
murdock160: So if you really, really want, give him the cold shoulder for a weekend and I'll show you how much fun you can have when tied to a bed using heavy leather straps.
copperheadjon: hmm..i don't know if jon would like that\
murdock160: Oops.
copperheadjon: oops what?
murdock160: Oops you already want to.
copperheadjon: i do?
murdock160: Hell yeah.
murdock160: Oh
murdock160: Hell yeah
murdock160: You just don't know it yet.
murdock160: Please note
murdock160: That this is the truth.
copperheadjon: really i didn't know i wanted to
murdock160: You seek proof.
murdock160: That proof can be given
copperheadjon: well you seem to think you know more about what i want than i do
murdock160 wants to directly connect.
copperheadjon: ahh you are speechless
copperheadjon is now directly connected.
murdock160: I had to assemble a hasty, crappy scientific graph.
murdock160: There you can see
murdock160: Irrefutable proof
murdock160: Of absolutely nothing.
murdock160: Aside from the TOTAL FACT
murdock160: That Paint sucks.
copperheadjon: yes it does
murdock160: I could have used Photoshop
murdock160: But then it would be shitty touchpad scribblings with a nice feathered gradient off the lines.
copperheadjon: uh huh
murdock160: You think I'm bullshitting?
copperheadjon: well i have no idea what a feathered gradient is i have no idea if you're bullshitting
murdock160: You see?
murdock160: It's easy.
copperheadjon: well jon just gave us a little history of the word vagina
murdock160: LOL
murdock160: I made that for a forum
murdock160: I don't know why I sent it
murdock160: There was a guy who was bitching about how Bill Gates runs a black charity
murdock160: So I made this image to let him know my feelings in the matter.
murdock160: You like it, don't you?
murdock160: ROFLCOPTER
copperheadjon: jon said you need to sober up or something
murdock160: When I start drinking
murdock160: That might matter
murdock160: Until that time
murdock160: I'm perfectly fine.
murdock160: Aren't you enjoying this good conversation in English?
murdock160: See
murdock160: You admitted it.
copperheadjon: i admitted nothing. i gave the computer back to jon but he's looking at something online]
murdock160: Do not argue.
copperheadjon: well don't say false things
murdock160: Screw you. You can't prove it's not true.
murdock160: See?
murdock160: Look how it's true.
murdock160: :: nod ::
copperheadjon: dude, ... she's a lady, ... sober up, we'll talk to you later
copperheadjon: or if you haven't been drinking
copperheadjon: get over whatever it is that you're up to, ...
murdock160: It's my evil plan to take over the world.
copperheadjon: you're not smart enough to do it alone, ... no one is, ...
murdock160: Sure I am.
murdock160: Watch me.
murdock160: I'm gonna take it over by being an asshole to everybody. That makes them give up.
copperheadjon: that's interesting
murdock160: Especially when I kick them in the mouth and they eat their teeth.
copperheadjon: but that is guaranteed to fail
murdock160: More proof
murdock160: That cannot be provided
murdock160: EVIL PLANS!!!!1
murdock160: OMG EYE KAN TAYKE OVAR TEH URF!!!!111111
murdock160: ELL O'ELL!!!!
copperheadjon: well, i've got a mathematical derivation that will help me do the job
murdock160: I'll mathematically derivate you.
copperheadjon: but i have no plan to do it alone,
murdock160: It takes a lot of Playboy mags and a whole shitpot of Scott paper towels to pull it off.
murdock160: I dunno
murdock160: Playboy?
murdock160: Or Hustler?
copperheadjon: i see, playboy is weak shit
murdock160: Or are you a Charmin guy?
murdock160: Yeah
murdock160: Charmin.
murdock160: Charmin and Scott paper towels.
murdock160: FLASH
murdock160: AHH-AHHHHH
murdock160: SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!omg
copperheadjon: you need to spend less time on fark
murdock160: :: is listening to "Flash Gordon" right now ::
murdock160: I own the soundtrack and the DVD of the movie.
murdock160: So blow.
murdock160: I dunno
murdock160: Man, it's all because of the absurd taking over the Earth bit.
murdock160: I'm pretty convinced that not only is that the improper course of action
murdock160: But it's also doomed to total failure.
murdock160: Mostly because of the whole "Good people will stab you in the epididymus with a blunt posthole digger" bit.
murdock160: Those are for digging holes, BTW.
murdock160: Holes for posts.
murdock160: But not for poles.
murdock160: Poles... no.
murdock160: They don't have technology like that in Poland.
murdock160: THE CAT PUKED
murdock160: the cat puked
murdock160: FOR REAL MAN
murdock160: I am lying.
murdock160: I know that dude.
murdock160: His name is Alouicious.
murdock160: Alouiscious P. Ballbomber
murdock160: He's fast.
murdock160: He won the race.
murdock160: Nothing.
murdock160: This rules
murdock160: I know that place
murdock160: It's pretty cool
murdock160: You might even say it rules.
murdock160: I sure did.
murdock160: Hellz yeah.
murdock160: ROFLCOPTER
murdock160: Roffel Mayo.
murdock160: Go here
murdock160: My 3rd house
murdock160: Is K2
murdock160: Isn't that kickass
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: Chykin whiyt peenaus.
murdock160: I want you to know
murdock160: I've never been this much of an asshole to anybody.
murdock160: But it's 12:17AM and it doesn't need to be
murdock160: Later y'all
murdock160: Oops
murdock160: Changed my mind.
murdock160: You hear about the baby that was born with no eyelids?
murdock160: How did it look?
murdock160: Awful.
murdock160: Laugh ha ha ha
murdock160: Garibaldi was here.
murdock160: FLASH ON
murdock160: FLASH OFF
murdock160: FLASH ON FLASH OFF
murdock160: THE FUCKER
murdock160: HAHAHAHAHAHA
murdock160: I bet you hate me now huh
murdock160: LOL
murdock160: Elohel
murdock160: comadee
murdock160: laff
murdock160: I emailed your mom and told her about your plan to take over the world and pose as a demon
murdock160: She said you don't need to be a Goa'uld
murdock160: Unless you turn into Ba'al
murdock160: Hi there
murdock160: My name is Jim and I used to use Windows
murdock160: Well
murdock160: I kinda got sick of it
murdock160: So
murdock160: I switched
murdock160: My name is Jim
murdock160: And I'm a dude
murdock160: NOW GIT OUTTA HERE

If you want to bother him, insist that I had nothing to do with it.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2006, 07:26 by hm_murdock »
Go the fuck ~


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Re: Awful IM Log
« Reply #1 on: 22 January 2006, 10:43 »
Wow, um, how can I best say this?


Thanks a LOT, James.

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Re: Awful IM Log
« Reply #2 on: 22 January 2006, 15:18 »
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Re: Awful IM Log
« Reply #3 on: 22 January 2006, 17:01 »
I got a similar error. Except mine wasn't in Dutch.
The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

*   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

*   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

*   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
Capitalism kicks ass.
If your a selfish, self-centred prick, who is willing to leave half the world in poverty, then yes.


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Re: Awful IM Log
« Reply #4 on: 22 January 2006, 19:33 »
Quote from: Dark_Me
I got a similar error. Except mine wasn't in Dutch.
The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

*   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

*   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

*   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
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This happens to me consistently because BitTorrent insists on using all available bandwidth.
Quote from: ""
<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)

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Re: Awful IM Log
« Reply #5 on: 22 January 2006, 21:03 »
It werks for me :)