Author Topic: It was only a matter of time  (Read 1022 times)


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It was only a matter of time
« on: 24 September 2002, 19:31 »
Well it's official im moving completely to linux I have sent my 98se cd back to microsux.and im now downloading mandrake prosuite. Why you ask ? Cause frakley im tired of practicallyturning my pc on to only see a blue screen,virus detected, etc.... Ibooted up 98 suxass edition yesterday and did my weekly virusscan of all drives just to find that i had a virus called w32.h@ somethin and it wiped out half my programs not to mention kept sending emails to people and that was the straw that broke the camelk wides back. I am glad to have found this sitre and hope to learn alot from you guys. BTW I cant convince the wife to dump XPEE off her system.


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It was only a matter of time
« Reply #1 on: 24 September 2002, 21:01 »
actions speak louder than words. after you feel as comfortable in linux as you do in windows, you can show her how easy it is to use the fuller featured desktop environments in linux, and she'll probably be quite convinced.

Welcome to the throng, and i hope the transition will be an easy one for you.
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