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A programming challenge all up in your face.
Wow.. I just went through my old (old) programming crap and found the start I made to this challenge.. and it ain't bad! Dated 05-Feb-2006. Jesus I can't believe this!
http://piratepenguin.is-a-geek.com/~declan/crap/old-stuff/programming/c/curve_challenge/main.c or http://illhostit.com/files/cd815a8f0c8a59847303fe1067003ab0/main.c
It uses glib (linked lists FTW!), so install glib2.0-dev or whatever and compile with: 'gcc main main.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0` -lm'. (WTF: o with a hyphen (-) before it triggers that Forbidden message bug crap)
(it prints the INPUT, and records to stdout and to OUTPUT)
--- Quote ---[declan@localhost curve_challenge]$ ./main
line.p1.x: 0
line.p1.y: 0
line.p2.x: 10
line.p2.y: 10
num_circles: 1
circle->c.x: 5
circle->c.y: 5
circle->r: 1
The length of the curve is: 14.142136 [proper answer is apparently 15.2837]
-- modify input --
[declan@localhost curve_challenge]$ ./main
line.p1.x: 0
line.p1.y: 5
line.p2.x: 10
line.p2.y: 5
num_circles: 1
circle->c.x: 5
circle->c.y: 6
circle->r: 1
The length of the curve is: 10.000000
-- modify input --
[declan@localhost curve_challenge]$ ./main
line.p1.x: 0
line.p1.y: 0
line.p2.x: 0
line.p2.y: 10
num_circles: 1
circle->c.x: 0
circle->c.y: 5
circle->r: 1
The length of the curve is: 10.000000
--- End quote ---
Hehheh the tangent stuff works! (I think that's the *only* time it gets it right.. It wasn't complete and I don't feel like completing it, and the bits I don't have are probably the hardest - and why I never bothered to finish it)
Maybe it doesn't work with multiple circles either.. I should comment more heh.
--- Quote ---[declan@localhost curve_challenge]$ ./main
line.p1.x: 5
line.p1.y: 0
line.p2.x: 5
line.p2.y: 10
num_circles: 2
circle->c.x: 5
circle->c.y: 5
circle->r: 1
circle->c.x: 20
circle->c.y: 20
circle->r: 2
The length of the curve is: 10.000000
--- End quote ---
Is that right/wrong?
Penguin, your code seems to be calculating the lines alone and ignoring all the circles.
You could finish it... :)
--- Quote from: mobrien_12 ---Penguin, your code seems to be calculating the lines alone and ignoring all the circles.
You could finish it... :)
--- End quote ---
Yeah, well, it doesn't do a bad job of it! :p
I looked a bit at the code, and it hurts my eyes, and unfortunetly I don't have time for that anymore :(
Ok, now that I got Worker to figure out all the problems that might arise in C for me :)
Here's the vector solution in C.. some of his code blatently ripped off :)
--- Code: ---
vectsoln.c Vector solution in C form
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
int main()
/* variable declarations */
/* file read/write variables */
FILE *fRead;
FILE *fWrite;
char infilename[FILENAMELENGTH];
char outfilename[FILENAMELENGTH];
/* boolean variable type defined */
typedef int bool;
/* variables declared from input */
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
int i, numcircles;
double circx[15], circy[15], radius[15];
/* variables of importance */
double linelength, totalpathlength;
int numcirclesintersected=0;
/* booleans of interest */
bool EndNotInCircle, LineInRange, LineLongEnough;
/* variables for intermediate calculations */
double s1,s2,p1,p2,disttoline,numerator;
double halfangle, arclength, chordlength, pathdifference;
/* opening the file and reading contents into variables */
/* printf("Enter a filename for input:\n");
scanf("%s", &infilename); */
fRead =fopen(infilename, "r");
if (fRead==NULL)
printf("input file unavailable\n");
return 1;
fscanf(fRead, "%lf", &x1);
fscanf(fRead, "%lf", &y1);
fscanf(fRead, "%lf", &x2);
fscanf(fRead, "%lf", &y2);
fscanf(fRead, "%d", &numcircles);
printf("x1 %f y1 %f x2 %f y2 %f numcircles %i\n",x1,y1,x2,y2,numcircles);
if (numcircles>15)
printf("too many circles, aborting\n");
return 1;
printf("%i circles in file.\n",numcircles);
for(i=0; i
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