Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
A programming challenge all up in your face.
--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---The keyword you can't post is:
f open
So why can I post it ? Because there are two spaces between f and open instead of one :)
--- End quote ---
But I could post fopen??
f opan
f op
f ope
f opep
g open
but f with a space followed by open barfs the system.
WTF kind of bug is this?
mobrien: put a space between the f and open. Using two spaces works, ala: f open
--- Quote ---Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forums/editpost.php could not be found on this server.
--- End quote ---
That is a classy error message if ever I saw one.
OK this bug needs to be a sticky somewhere.
--- Quote from: TheQuirk ---
Re: Matlab, I was always under the impression that Matlab could actually do lots of computations faster than compiled C.
--- End quote ---
Certain matrix calculations yes, because it has optimized compiled libraries that take care of them. It has superior support or complex numbers as well.
In general, however, for very large codebases, it's slow as a basset hound on a hot summer day after eating a steak. It is a scripting language.
You need to be a pretty experienced Matlab or Octave coder to be able to take advantage of the vector/matrix nature of the languages properly, and that will help, but if you want to speed up the calculations you need to either recode in C or Fortran 9x or take the slowest parts of the code base and turn those into C. You can link compiled C code into Matlab or Octave, and that speeds things up a hell of a lot, but that requires you to not be a lazy bastard.
There is a Matlab compiler now... not sure how its performance compares to C.
just testing.
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