Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

What the CD says

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--- Quote from: worker201 ---I've noticed a lot of PSP movies have been released, are those copiable?
--- End quote ---
FUCK only Sony can write to them, and it'll probably take one hell of a geek to change that.

That's what I was afraid of.  It wasn't a geek that came up with the ideas of CD-R or DVD-R, it was a marketing guy who wanted to sell more optical drives.  If the RIAA or MPAA intentionally chose a proprietary format for its media, then media players would also become proprietary.  Then any copying of any kind, of hardware or software, even for personal use, would be a serious breach of patent.  I think that eventually, this is what will happen.  Since the musical and film content we have is already basically owned by 2 companies (MPAA and RIAA), having everything owned by 1 company (including the players) is totally concievable.

No that shouldn't happen ... we can't let it happen ! I don't think we will let it happen ... I mean come on everyone is some part pirate ... even the MPAA ... I don't think people will buy things that can't be copied, or if they do someone will figure out a way to copy it. Think about it, whatever new media they come up with it will have to be writable because there's a good chance it will be used for data storage for computers and video cameras ... if there's a writer for a particular type of media, then there's a way to copy it no matter how encrypted and protected it is. If someone can do something ... someone else can surely undo it.

If something like UMD-videos is the way things go, you could just video-record the PSP/TV/whatever. EDIT: Or, if possible, make an app for the PSP that'd screen capture the video.

And yea, if Sony knows how to write UMDs, I'd bed some geek with too much spare time will figure out how to do it too. The only problem would be patents, and they probably won't kill the third-party UMD-writer, just prevent it from showing up in stores.

Hey yeah ... I remember I once bought a cheap VHS in New York City and you could tell that they just set up a camera in a dark room to record the movie ... uhhh ... it looked like shit ... but I'm sure there's a better way to do it ... or at least use better equipment.


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