Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX


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--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Yes but how the fuck was I suppose to know?
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Maybe because I told you before? :p

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Come to think of it I can't really remember about KDE, Xfce had an excellent menu editor - most of the configureation was point and click, perhapps the more advanced stuff was in the configureation file just like it should be.
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In KDE you just right click a menu item and chose "Edit Item", that launches the KDE menu editor with the selected item like http://illhostit.com/files/1032938238597521/kde_menu_editor.png, which is pretty damn nice.
--- Quote ---2.10.0 - that's not too old is it?
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No, they must've changed "System" to "Desktop" in 2.14.

My two cents - I think gtk looks cooler than qt.  And that's all it really comes down to.  It's what you're used to.  I've been using Gnome since Fedora began.  But I used KDE in Suse before that.  If some "everything must be standardized" asshat decided that there would be no more Gnome, I wouldn't commit suicide - I'd just get used to something else.

But Worker, while freedom of choice is very important, I'm 100% behind that, however, standards are important. The whole lack of unix GUI standards is a big problem. While it doesn't inhibit development and use, I feel it would enhance the whole user experience. Seeing as how one of the goals of this orginazition is to eradicate Microsoft, in my experience, having a standardized UI is a great asset to new users. Few people have time to sit around for hours, reading the help files and dicking around figuring out how to make a folder or something. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against any of the Unix GUI's, but I do feel that they could be improved with some standards.

Though I haven't been able to use them much lately. I just had a motherboard blow out, so I'm back to my old Pentium Pro box. Though I just did get my new RAM in, that'll speed it up.

I was wondering where to put this thought I had the other day, might as well be here...

What is Linux?  Is it the mass market desktop of the future?  Is it the ideal computing environment?  Is it the best operating system that has ever been made or will ever be made?  No.  Linux was written so a guy could run Unix programs on his PC.  That's what Linux is.  I use it because there are some Unix tools that I use all the time, and even when Windows ports or Mac ports exist, they suck.

If you try and turn what is, when you get right down to the bare metal, an x86 Unix emulator (although it has grown well beyond that), into some kind of universal replacement, you will change things.  This Linux that newbs are learning and Ubuntu is distributing and people here are fantasizing about is something else altogether.  While that particular mystery OS might be enjoyable to use and perfectly fine, it won't really be Linux.  It'll be something else.  Because Linux, at its core, doesn't want to be the desktop panacea.  It doesn't even want to be user friendly, and it would probably be served rather well by dumping all GUIs.

So I don't know how I feel about dragging things in that direction.  I of course enjoy the GUI, I think it is convenient and pretty if nothing else.  But if it was gone, I would still use Linux for certain *nix apps.  At home I use OSX, and it is pretty much everything everyone here ever dreamed of.  All Apple would have to do to satisfy everyone is make it free and open, and have multiple window managers to choose from.  Nobody seems to be going in that direction with Linux - nor do they seem to even be interested in it.  Which is probably best for the OS as a whole.

But one of the things that makes OSX great is the consistancy. I think the Mac UI is great. It's nice, light, and intuitive. I find the Windows XP interface horrible, you have loads of flashing icons and pointless eye candy. While eye candy is nice, I detest it in large amounts, it produces undue amounts of clutter. The Mac UI is consistant, and that's what's necessary in a good GUI.


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