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Lions and Tigers and IE 7! Oh my!

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It's nearing upgrade time at any captive organization. Microsoft released a beta of IE 7.0,,9075-2019982,00.html
From what I can tell, the only major diffs are:
1: Finally supporting transparent PNGs
2: Tabbed Browsing
3: A list of known phishing sites
Why it is all bullshit:
1: PNG has been a W3C Recommendation since 1st October, 1996. About time IE does it right
2: No innovation.
3: This should belong in a filter, not the browser. More bundling, except they aren't even going to bother giving it a new name.
And why I think I'll actually get it:
1: A lot of pages are broken beyond belief, and I like tabs even when Firefox is confused
And why I'll still use Firefox when I can:
1: Built-in pop-up blocker
2: No ActiveX
3: Faster
4: Free both ways
5: Looks better
6: More customizable
8: Almost no security issues
9: Runs on everything :tux: :bsd: :macos:
10: It's not made by Microsoft

They should just ship with Firefox or even Opera (would need permission from the Opera owners, and I've heard that they'd be willing to give them the right), but that would be a good i.e. bad thing for Windows as an OS (because Windows as an OS is supposed to be shit).

I've noticed IE7 still hasn't fixed or any other CSS 3 or XHTML 1.1 specification for that matter.

Also, a pop-up for phishing on every new website made me scream "FUCK OFF!" very loudly. Once I finished testing a website I made in IE 7 (corperate websites do need IE support) I quickly started Opera.

Have they fixed the XML declaration for pages marked as "transitional" bug yet?  That one gets filed under V for Vexing.


--- Quote ---Have they fixed the XML declaration for pages marked as "transitional" bug yet? That one gets filed under V for Vexing.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---I've noticed IE7 still hasn't fixed
or any other CSS 3 or XHTML 1.1 specification for that matter.
--- End quote ---

No clue. I'm only getting it when they get some of the beta-level bugs out (they will never get them all out), and only then because Firefox doesn't work well with messed-up HTML.
Maybe the W3C should be given authority over web pages enough only to make sure all pages work under an ultra-loose definition. If only...


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