All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Lions and Tigers and IE 7! Oh my!

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--- Quote from: toadlife ---Tried it. I think it's ugly.
--- End quote ---

Windows Vista will have those IE7 graphics all over :rolleyes:

Well, not all of Vista will look quite like that.  IE7 seems to be at the bottom of the barrel, but Vista won't look quite that bad.  (It'll still look bad, though :p)

And...did anyone notice that the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner looks exactly like the Spotlight icon, just mirrored horizontally?

Actually, IE7 on XP is ugly... and IE7 on Vista is the same code running with Vista's new ultra-mega-super rendering 3d vectorized death engine. I mean Quartz. I mean Avalon. No, I mean Quartz.

I hope Vista crashes and burns ... into Ballmer's ass !!! :D And then Ballmer goes on a rampage and slaughters Bill Gates along with all the makers of Vista and then Ballmer experiences a reactor meltdown in his head and erases M$ HQ off the face of the earth for all time :thumbup: ... oh and the blast causes a freak EMP wave that erases all copies of all M$ software incuding Winblow$ off all the harddrives on the planet and satellites and space probes, and melts all the M$ cds and dvds everywhere !


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