All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Loser Cable TV Service

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Our cable TV provider has a channel dedicated to local announcements. Basically it's just a slide show of school happenings etc. Well I happened to be flipping through the channels and when I got to this channel I see what looks like a Powerpoint slide, the Windows task bar at the bottom (looks like Win9x). And then theres this big fat Windows error message in the middle of the screen saying a "A Windows error has occurred while ... ... ...". The message isn't very legible on my TV so I can't make out exactly what it says. What a bunch of losers!

It's been stuck in this state for at least a half hour now. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes the Windows loser, I mean technician, to come fix it. Yep, good old reliable Windows comes through again! Maybe I should call them up and tell them I'll set them up with a Linux box so this doesn't happen again. Oh wait, I forgot, the owner of my Cable TV company is also the cofounder of Microsoft. Guess I wouldn't have much luck getting him to change....

Muhahahahahaha. You should take a pic of that man  :D

Master of Reality:
the community announcement channel (which isnt run by my cable company... they use Linux ( also has that happen almost every day I will flip through the channel while skip... after school, and see the windows 98/5 desktop then sometimes i will actually see the computer starting up. Its quite humourous

Ok, it's still up with the error. I took my video camera and got a couple of screen shots and dumped them to my PC in for form of JPEGs. The quality is extremely bad but you can tell it's Windows and you can tell it's a typical Windows error message. I could have gotten a much better quality picture if I would have connected my TV to my capture card but that would have been more of a pain in the arse. So where can I stick the pictures (I don't want them on my servers)?

Send them to me VoidMan. I will host them for you.


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