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Loser Cable TV Service

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Ok bazoukas, I mailed them to your address. I told you they were crappy screen shots! Oh well, they're good enough to at least tell that I'm not lying.  

[ October 29, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Man i craped my self laughing LOLOL!!!!

Give me a min though. Seems like attbi is being slow and it wont let me upload it on their server. I will try it through my laptop just to see, if that doesnt work i will use Apache from my laptop.


Well, here it is how many hours later, and it's still on the same screen with the same error! I somehow feel it will be there until morning when someone comes in and presses the reset button.

It almost looks like the Screen Saver came on and caused some sort of conflict because the text at the bottom of the screen is warped like the "science" screen saver. What a joke!

Ill be glad to put the pictures up on badconnections if you will send them my way.

are they up anywhere? i want to see.... can you email them to my address too please void main?

personally i would have got it on video tape for five minutes! it would be funny to get a video tape of them resetting it!

oh yes, and while i'm here, i sent you a PM, void main, just to let you know.

[ October 29, 2002: Message edited by: Calum-21.2 ]


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