Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law
RIAA sues woman who has never used Computer
A cd costs 17 cents to make ... this is fact ... they sell blank ones to you for more, unless you have a contract with the manufacturer ... either way the CDs are not the major monetary issue ... mostly its producing the album and then selling it that will cost the most money.
murdock and worker lay down two excellent plans. now i want to see everybody following at least one of those sets of instructions, ok?
Unfortunately, neither plan will work ... in my opinion, of course. hm_murdock's plan requires a significant amount of time, money, and lawyers (and of course more money to feed the lawyers) ... unless you are at least 1/10 as rich as Bill Gates this will fail. As for worker201's plan ... it might work, again with money, time, practice ... really none of that counts ... it's who you know that counts, tell me Britney Spears was #1 on the "charts" because of her 'talent' and years of practice (at lipsynching), or maybe it's just because most guys think she's a hot slut who can't sing worth a fuck ... but heck fuck her anyway. Yeah, I know what you're gonna say, what about the good bands with real talent ... well even if you are good, you'll just get hooked on drugs and sluts and all that good stuff and die young like every good band ... that's the best possible outcome. (I think most of this can be inferred from worker201's well put argument)
What you're describing is the inevitable outcome of pouring so much money into the music industry. What I advocate is severely reducing the flow of money to the music industry. Less money for bands, less cost for fans. It's about the music, isn't it? Too many people want to be celebrities - well, that's where the drugs and hookers come into play.
what about this: drugs and hookers for all musicians and then the recording industry would completely implode after only a few weeks. Then, come the revolution, the socialist free music party can sift through the wreckage and instigate an iron hearted music system designed to always benefit the struggling individual.
how's that for a plan B?
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