All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Microsoft to release PC Care package
Lead Head:
I wouldnt be to shocked if this $50 Care package will become mandatory...
and charging beta users is ridiculous IMO
--- Quote from: Lead Head ---and charging beta users is ridiculous IMO
--- End quote ---
Yes it is, but with Microsoft beta and stable is all the same ;)
I was wondering when they were going to start edging out McAfee and Norton. I guess the answer is "now".
Well ... yet another step towards world domination ... stay tuned for more next time ... soon the planet earth will be renamed to planet Microsoft ! ... I certainly hope not ... but then who knows
I was wondering why Window$ doesn't sue over similar names like the X Window system ... or for the very appearance of a minimize, maximize, close buttons on most windows on other operating systems. They sued for lesser things (the FAT long-filename patent)
Lead Head:
If earth was renmaned "Planet Microsoft" Every other inteligent life in the universe would teleport to earth and kill every MS(look ma, no dollar sign!) employee and the jeteson bill gates wiht a linux computer with a food materializer into mar's orbit with an oygen synthesiser to make him suffer linux then the Life Forms would liberate earth, then leave
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