All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Microsoft to release PC Care package

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M$ with an S ... blasphemy I say !!!


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Yes it is, but with Microsoft beta and stable is all the same ;)
--- End quote ---

 Did they *ever* get Whistler out of beta? ;)


--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---M$ with an S ... blasphemy I say !!!
--- End quote ---

Not if you're posting on a Winblow$ forum. ;)

Wow, they create crappy software which allows spyware and trojans, and then they sell software to partly fix it.

Exactly, they have it sorted, they release buggy insecure software then avertise the latest exploits on their website and make even more money from selling anti-malware shit which wouldn't be required if they'd done the job properly in the first place.


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