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About Those Hidden Microsoft Files.......

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--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---On the topic of German women ... I prefer Russian and Dutch women ... they really do look a lot better over there :D
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I don't know a whole lot of German women, and have never met a Dutch woman.  But when I lived in Portland, there were a lot of Russians (specifically Ukrainians) there, and some of them were HOTTT.  If I told you a girl had really sexy rosy ballooned out cheekbones, you would think I was crazy - until you met some of the girls I worked with at the factory.  Unbelievable.  I learned how to say a couple things in Russian, just so I could impress these girls.  And for a native English speaker, learning to read in Russian is no simple task.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---I don't know a whole lot of German women, and have never met a Dutch woman. But when I lived in Portland, there were a lot of Russians (specifically Ukrainians) there, and some of them were HOTTT. If I told you a girl had really sexy rosy ballooned out cheekbones, you would think I was crazy - until you met some of the girls I worked with at the factory. Unbelievable. I learned how to say a couple things in Russian, just so I could impress these girls. And for a native English speaker, learning to read in Russian is no simple task.

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Yeah I know what you mean ... Ukrainian chicks are awesome :thumbup:

in case we're still interested:

a couple of quick things: in this country the government can immediately request information on people's IP addresses and what sites they have been visiting online etc. This is pretty easy under the various acts that have been passed in recent decades removing any civil liberties (alas, no constitution here, so no constitutional rights! our legal system is based on a virtually prehistoric feudal system). The ISPs are now required to keep three months of logs on this activity and no doubt on other things too, whatever data they can collect about your hardware and software possibly, and maybe some statistics about how you shop online and what sites you visit etc. There will be legislation to cover this in most "first world" countries.

and re cookies: i set all my mozillas and operas to throw away all cookies on exit and only accept the ones from the "originating website", which works fairly well, so long as you actually exit your browser fairly frequently. epiphany is a bit of a pain in the arse since it has no option to automatically throw the cookies away. if it had that, and a google search bar, i'd use it instead of firefox.


--- Quote from: Calum ---in case we're still interested:

a couple of quick things: in this country the government can immediately request information on people's IP addresses and what sites they have been visiting online etc. This is pretty easy under the various acts that have been passed in recent decades removing any civil liberties (alas, no constitution here, so no constitutional rights! our legal system is based on a virtually prehistoric feudal system). The ISPs are now required to keep three months of logs on this activity and no doubt on other things too, whatever data they can collect about your hardware and software possibly, and maybe some statistics about how you shop online and what sites you visit etc. There will be legislation to cover this in most "first world" countries.

and re cookies: i set all my mozillas and operas to throw away all cookies on exit and only accept the ones from the "originating website", which works fairly well, so long as you actually exit your browser fairly frequently. epiphany is a bit of a pain in the arse since it has no option to automatically throw the cookies away. if it had that, and a google search bar, i'd use it instead of firefox.
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I'd have to agree completely ... there is no constitution here either (USA) ... or at least we do not enforce it (or they come up with new laws that are quite unconstitutional) ... kinda sad :( ... great post though :thumbup:

WMD, look at your cookies from BellSouth after going to and then log on as yourself and look again. Your real name will be in plain text the second time.

gloc=103 for me. I Googled that term and clicked on a hit (trying to find out what it referred to) and became the admin of someone else's BellSouth hosted site. BellSouth had failed to place a no robots text and when Google crawled the page they somehow grabbed the admin's login cookie as the search term. Going to the site from there set his cookie on my machine. I could have deleted his site. When I left and went to other Bell South pages, it would say "Welcome Joe" instead of "Welcome David".

It took a couple of emails and phone calls to him to get it fixed. Needless to say, I don't visit BellSouth hosted pages very often anymore.

But, it's not just the cookies that get you with BellSouth, you have to hide your IP, too. Anonymouse is the simple, free way.

The Russian women here are looking for husbands so they can stay. If you have money and are marriage minded, you can take your pick.


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