Author Topic: Create your own language  (Read 6266 times)


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Re: Create your own language
« Reply #15 on: 24 January 2006, 02:32 »
Well they did make something like a graphical programming language for the Lego programmable Lego bot things ... I had one as a kid ... basically the program was visualized as blocks representing loops, if-then statements, timing functions, etc. in a modular fashion, where you decided what you wanted the Lego bot to do when it received an input, and the speed of each of the connected motors .... I wasn't very good at it, my bot smashed itself to pieces after about 2 minutes :D ... luckily it was relatively easy to repair.


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Re: Create your own language
« Reply #16 on: 25 January 2006, 09:59 »
Visualising control flow is easy, IDA pro (a dissasembler) has a great tool that can turn any function into a flowchart. Note that an 50 line function would require about 20 printed pages to be legible. and thats just program flow.

what about variables? I suppose you could show data transfer with arrows, the result of a function (functions could have multiple returned values because it doesn't need to fit on a line). Otherwise you need some way of uniquely identifing memory locations...letters are a lot easier.

At the end of the day you will be building something similar to a circuit/IC diagram .... they do those in programming languages now because its so much easier then generate a diagram.


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Re: Create your own language
« Reply #17 on: 25 January 2006, 21:41 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
Well they did make something like a graphical programming language for the Lego programmable Lego bot things ... I had one as a kid ... basically the program was visualized as blocks representing loops, if-then statements, timing functions, etc. in a modular fashion, where you decided what you wanted the Lego bot to do when it received an input, and the speed of each of the connected motors .... I wasn't very good at it, my bot smashed itself to pieces after about 2 minutes :D ... luckily it was relatively easy to repair.

The Robotics Ivention System. I actually have my RCX here on thre desk lol. That was a good interface though.
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Re: Create your own language
« Reply #18 on: 26 January 2006, 17:27 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez

It would be like a flowchart language and intead of being a compiler or interpretor the code would be converted to assembly which could be optimized manually (if needed) then assembled.

Yeah. Some company made such a thing (intelitek EasyC, used for competition robotics) and it completely sucked.
It had almost NO functions, NO custom subroutines, worked only ran on WinXP, and only as admin. :mad:
Overall, a graphic editor would be great for noobs, but would never work for complex stuff.
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Re: Create your own language
« Reply #19 on: 26 January 2006, 18:41 »
Graphical language.... VB
 Version: 3.1
 GCS/CM d- s+:+ a--- C++ UL++++>$ P+ L+++ !E W++ !N !o !K-- w !O !M !V PS+ PE- !Y !PGP !t !5 !X !R tv b+ DI+ !D G e- h !r y-
 ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


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Re: Create your own language
« Reply #20 on: 26 January 2006, 20:23 »
Quote from: Pathos

At the end of the day you will be building something similar to a circuit/IC diagram .... they do those in programming languages now because its so much easier then generate a diagram.

Tell me about it, being an engineer I prefer drawings - much easier to understand than a rat's nest of code.
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Re: Create your own language
« Reply #21 on: 26 January 2006, 22:40 »
Quote from: _kill__bill
Yeah. Some company made such a thing (intelitek EasyC, used for competition robotics) and it completely sucked.
It had almost NO functions, NO custom subroutines, worked only ran on WinXP, and only as admin. :mad:
Overall, a graphic editor would be great for noobs, but would never work for complex stuff.

But that's only one version. I think a graphic language would be great. I loved the Lego Mindstorms language, I find it similar to C++, actually.