Author Topic: What was BeOS?  (Read 19971 times)


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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #15 on: 18 February 2006, 23:02 »
windows is commercial and so should be up to date and capable of at least half decent security.
Windows XP Service Pack 2. Because we couldn't be arsed the first time.

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Windows ME, the Marmite Operating System.

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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #16 on: 18 February 2006, 23:29 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez
You have a fair point but while it isn't a problem at the moment it'd become a big problem if BeOS gains a considerable userbase.

Gain a considerable userbase?  The company isn't even in business anymore. :p

[OFFTOPIC]The guy who ran Be, Inc. is the guy in themacuser's 2006 video responding "Windows" to the question about Obfusicated C. \o/[/OFFTOPIC]
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #17 on: 19 February 2006, 01:05 »
Yeah I know but my main point was we're probably better off with Windows than BeOS as the dominant OS.
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #18 on: 19 February 2006, 02:11 »
I don't quite see the reasoning here ... :confused:


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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #19 on: 19 February 2006, 03:50 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez
Yeah I know but my main point was we're probably better off with Windows than BeOS as the dominant OS.

 Hold it.  You're saying that a system whose only significant in-roads regarding security have been to purchase competing, security-minded corporations and/or their products - subsequently redefining "security" to "whatever gets us the most customers" - since inception is somehow more secure than a system that was abandoned around the time they were driven out of business by product A?  You're assuming that they wouldn't make security changes, and that - at least to me - is one hell of an assumption.

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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #20 on: 19 February 2006, 04:09 »
He does have a point though...BeOS has no multiuser system, unless they were hiding it.  Adding one in would not have been an easy task.
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #21 on: 19 February 2006, 16:28 »
Well, we can ask for those features in the Haiku forums. I'm sure its understandable.
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #22 on: 19 February 2006, 16:32 »
Quote from: Orethrius
Hold it. You're saying that a system whose only significant in-roads regarding security have been to purchase competing, security-minded corporations and/or their products - subsequently redefining "security" to "whatever gets us the most customers" - since inception is somehow more secure than a system that was abandoned around the time they were driven out of business by product A?


Windows first became popular with 3.x which was an add-on  to DOS, then came Windows 9x which included DOS.

But what about NT? You've missed the point that NT has been the most significant in-road to security MS have ever made.

Inbetween Windows 3.11 and 95 MS came up with NT which did have a security model and was superiour to their DOS based line of OSes. MS couldn't make it their main OS for many years because of backward the compatability problems it'd cause by not allowing programs direct access to the hardware and it also required more powerful hardware than most people had at the time.

Now BeOS had no equivalent to NT unless they were hiding it.

Quote from: Orethrius
You're assuming that they wouldn't make security changes, and that - at least to me - is one hell of an assumption.


BeOS would require a complete re-write to implement a security model, because it'd need a different kernel which would've meant breaking compatability with all old programs, which is precisely why MS haven't made restricted accounts the default with Windows XP. MS will probably change this in a few years time once they stop supporting the 9x series or any software designed to run on it.

Now what's easier implementing a security model for BeOS (which is as hard as securing Windows ME) or changing a few default installation options and implementing one on NT?
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #23 on: 19 February 2006, 19:41 »
Be intended on having the next release (which didn't happen) multi-user.
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #24 on: 19 February 2006, 20:28 »

Right, I've done some research and you're right, I was wrong, no in fact WMD is right, they must've been hiding this ability from us. But (as I was saying before) what about backwards compatability with previous versions of software designed to run as root?

yellowTAB ZETA (BeOS' sucessor) still doesn't quite match up to XP on the security front.
« Last Edit: 19 February 2006, 20:33 by Aloone_Jonez »
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #25 on: 25 February 2006, 09:58 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez
MS will probably change this in a few years time once they stop supporting the 9x series or any software designed to run on it.

Vista will (does) create regular users by default.


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What can you do with it?
« Reply #26 on: 26 February 2006, 02:46 »
I know how technically superior BeOS is to Windows and Mac OS <= 9, but what do you do with it these days?  

What webbrowser?  What do you use to write documents, play web clips, ogg vorbis, mp3?  Do you have problems getting printer drivers?
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #27 on: 26 February 2006, 03:03 »
I'm betting there will be problems ... but I never used it so I dunno.


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Re: What can you do with it?
« Reply #28 on: 26 February 2006, 13:08 »
Quote from: mobrien_12
I know how technically superior BeOS is to Windows and Mac OS <= 9, but what do you do with it these days?  

What webbrowser?  What do you use to write documents, play web clips, ogg vorbis, mp3?  Do you have problems getting printer drivers?

You must be able to get a Postscript driver to print it to a file then print it with another OS.
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Re: What was BeOS?
« Reply #29 on: 26 February 2006, 19:44 »
Firefox...Abiword...there is a media player, who knows what it plays...printing was always a weakness on Be.
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