Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

What was BeOS?

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Lead Head:
firefox/quickfox, Abi word, VLC Media Player(plays pretty much every eveything)


--- Quote from: Lead Head --- VLC Media Player(plays pretty much every eveything)
--- End quote ---

except for embeded videos in web browsers


--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---except for embeded videos in web browsers
--- End quote ---

That's complete rubbish. It has an Opera and Firefox plugin.

But they don't work ... at least not for me. A number of embeded videos won't play in the browser with VLC.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---Vista will (does) create regular users by default.
--- End quote ---

Oh no!
That means more viruses will be able to install under limited user accounts so I might have to run anti-virus.


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