Author Topic: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs  (Read 7847 times)


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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #15 on: 27 February 2006, 07:17 »
Quote from: Xeniczone
Mac OS x is built on Unix.

No, it is built on BSD.

Darwin was opensourced.  Darwin is a microkernel and is thus very very different from Linux, which is a monolithic kernel design.  There were x86 ports of Darwin well before the rest of OSX was ported to x86.  Why would you think there would be no x86 drivers available?
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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #16 on: 27 February 2006, 13:46 »
Easy, Most windows computers are made with verious parts from a range of different companys. Like a Sony cd rom drive a western digital hard drive a amd cpu a foxconn motherboard. They never keep the same brand name parts. This is why windows crashes more then mac. Mac only has to make drivers for the parts they put in there machines. Windows has to make drivers for every part out there.

So if you put Mac on a x86 computer you will have a lot of parts that mac may not reconize such as the cd rom. If you have a dell your cd rom drive is from lite-on.  One brand of cd roms that isn't supported by mac is Nec. I bought one of there dvd burners for my mac and it didn't work so i have this useless dvd burner here.

It isn't the x86 it's self it is all the other parts that x86 computers are built on.


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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #17 on: 27 February 2006, 18:15 »
You need ONE driver for ATAPI CD-ROMS.  That's what standards are for.  Linux and FreeBSD use one driver for all ATAPI CD-ROMs and they don't have stability issues because they are not crappy operating systems.
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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #18 on: 27 February 2006, 23:12 »
I'm also tempted to say that "expecting BSD to work out-of-the-box with ALL hardware" is similar to "expecting Linux to work with peripherals when the proper drivers haven't first been compiled."  Track down the drivers before declaring incompatibility.  Thank you, drive around.

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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #19 on: 28 February 2006, 00:57 »
first to get it clear I have nothing agenst mac. i like mac I even use mac over windows. I don't like windows. Linux I couldn't adapt to i used it for about a month some of the free games were cool like tux race :D

All I'm saying is there will be a lack of drivers. ok. Some stuff that was never made to run with mac os like amd and 3rd party intel boards and some 1st party intel boards Mac will not reconize then to use these devices you will need 3rd party drivers. What does this do. It turns mac into a unless crashing OS like windows.

There is a reason why apple and only apple make mac os compadible computers.


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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #20 on: 28 February 2006, 01:34 »
Quote from: Xeniczone

There is a reason why apple and only apple make mac os compadible computers.
I could make a Mac OS X compatible computer if not for their anti-"steal"ing bullshite. The anti-"steal"ing bullshite is in their because Apple want to sell computers, not software. That sucks, but they're a businness, they'll do that. I'll stick with GNU/Linux.

Can't people make drivers for Mac OS X for all the non-supported hardware? It'll probably not ever work on a "shitty" Athlon XP 2600+ like mine, needing all that instruction set extension crap, but it could probably be made run on alot of computers given enough effort.
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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #21 on: 28 February 2006, 03:19 »
I could make a Mac OS X compatible computer if not for their anti-"steal"ing bullshite. The anti-"steal"ing bullshite is in their because Apple want to sell computers, not software. That sucks, but they're a businness, they'll do that. I'll stick with GNU/Linux.
Can't people make drivers for Mac OS X for all the non-supported hardware? It'll probably not ever work on a "shitty" Athlon XP 2600+ like mine, needing all that instruction set extension crap, but it could probably be made run on alot of computers given enough effort.

Funny isn't it. WTH do you think I'm trying to tell you this x86 project is pointless get a apple hardware comptuer 5 reasons of the top of my head.
1. dont spend like 10 hours making your already crapy windows x86 computer run Mac OS X
2. Free Shipping
3. Mac OS X cost 130 to begin with cheaper then windows but still come on get it free with the computer you buy.
4. Macs only cost 500 dollars
5. They are very artistic in there case design and is redesigned for every model.
« Last Edit: 28 February 2006, 03:26 by Xeniczone »

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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #22 on: 28 February 2006, 03:29 »
Yeah the $500 macs,they are the dirt slow macs that cant do shit.

So my Athlon 64 3k is crappy?
My x800 pro is crappy?
My complete rig that can play FEAR maxed out is crappy?

Basicly your calling the new macs crappy.


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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #23 on: 28 February 2006, 03:46 »
Quote from: Xeniczone

1. dont spend like 10 hours making your already crapy windows x86 computer run Mac OS X
I won't, bacause it won't run on my processor.

2. Free Shipping
You don't have to pay for shipping if you don't buy one ;)

3. Mac OS X cost 130 to begin with cheaper then windows but still come on get it free with the computer you buy.
GNU/Linux is free as in freedom and as in price.

4. Macs only cost 500 dollars
Well, whenever I built this computer, $500 would've been way outta my budget. I got it for 300 euro, well over a year ago. 300 euro. And this machine rocks, and will continue rocking for years to come.

5. They are very artistic in there case design and is redesigned for every model.
Yes they are, that's a bonus when you get a Mac IMO, but nothing more than that.

Funny isn't it. WTH do you think I'm trying to tell you this x86 project is pointless get a apple hardware comptuer 5 reasons of the top of my head.
I'll not be running Mac OS X anytime soon. These hackers, hacking at it to get it working on non-Macs, I'd say they're doing it more outta fun than anything else. You could give them each a Mac and the project wouldn't die.
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #24 on: 28 February 2006, 08:05 »
Quote from: Lead Head
Yeah the $500 macs,they are the dirt slow macs that cant do shit. according to you, the 6-year old Power Mac G4s at my school are more powerful than the Mac Mini?  Now THAT would be something.
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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #25 on: 28 February 2006, 09:32 »
Yeah the $500 macs,they are the dirt slow macs that cant do shit.

1.42GHz G4. CD-RW/DVD Combo drive. 512MB RAM. 60GB HD. FireWire. USB2. Integrated Airport Extreme. Optional Bluetooth. Radeon thingy with DVI plug (ATI sux).

Oh yeah, man. Dirt slow. Can't do shit. I'd love to know your definition of "doing shit." I have an idea. Fuck off back to your dark little hole and don't come back out until you've learned not to be a dipshit.

If you don't like what I have to say... good. It's more incentive for you to go the fuck away.
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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #26 on: 28 February 2006, 15:58 »
Oh honestly, James, 1.42GHz RISC is SOOO much slower than 3.2GHz CISC.  *poke poke* :D

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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #27 on: 28 February 2006, 21:54 »
So my Athlon 64 3k is crappy?
My x800 pro is crappy?
My complete rig that can play FEAR maxed out is crappy?

First I will give you a truth full answer.
Yes it is crap. ATI cards have nothing on Nvidia. A AMD 64 3000 isn't that good when you could have a 3700. O that sucks you have to update your motherboard to do that. I really don't care for the game FEAR the pc version isn't as good as the xbox version because they used better textures on the xbox version unless fear was release for pc then for xbox 360. I like EA games like battlefeild 2 or need for speed most wanted. Now if you can run those on your computer maxed out without issues then you have it made.
Oh yeah, man. Dirt slow. Can't do shit. I'd love to know your definition of "doing shit." I have an idea. Fuck off back to your dark little hole and don't come back out until you've learned not to be a dipshit.

LOL very nice merdock.

1.42GHz RISC is SOOO much slower than 3.2GHz CISC

Not technically the G's have more behind them then just there speed.

Youtube is search is down. When it is back up goto and search g4 vs intel

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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #28 on: 2 March 2006, 03:06 »
Quote from: Xeniczone
First I will give you a truth full answer.
Yes it is crap. ATI cards have nothing on Nvidia. A AMD 64 3000 isn't that good when you could have a 3700. O that sucks you have to update your motherboard to do that. I really don't care for the game FEAR the pc version isn't as good as the xbox version because they used better textures on the xbox version unless fear was release for pc then for xbox 360. I like EA games like battlefeild 2 or need for speed most wanted. Now if you can run those on your computer maxed out without issues then you have it made.


3. In case you havent noticed x1900 XT pwns 7800GTX 512 and the x1900 is $200 cheaper at that! BF2 runs fine maxed out. but EAs shitty code makes the shitty game NFS:MW run like shit. Its only the ATI mac cards that suck. The regular PC one sare very powerful, like the x800s.

EDIT: You are thinking of Cold Fear. There is another game called FEAR wich is just for the PC and has hands down the best graphics so far of any game.

And you saying my system is shit when you got the worst video card in the history of nvidia!

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Re: OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs
« Reply #29 on: 2 March 2006, 03:11 »
Quote from: hm_murdock
1.42GHz G4. CD-RW/DVD Combo drive. 512MB RAM. 60GB HD. FireWire. USB2. Integrated Airport Extreme. Optional Bluetooth. Radeon thingy with DVI plug (ATI sux).

Oh yeah, man. Dirt slow. Can't do shit. I'd love to know your definition of "doing shit." I have an idea. Fuck off back to your dark little hole and don't come back out until you've learned not to be a dipshit.

If you don't like what I have to say... good. It's more incentive for you to go the fuck away.

Srry bout that. I was mad at Xeniczone lack of knowledge