1. dont spend like 10 hours making your already crapy windows x86 computer run Mac OS X
I won't, bacause it won't run on my processor.
2. Free Shipping
You don't have to pay for shipping if you don't buy one

3. Mac OS X cost 130 to begin with cheaper then windows but still come on get it free with the computer you buy.
GNU/Linux is free as in freedom and as in price.
4. Macs only cost 500 dollars
Well, whenever I built this computer, $500 would've been way outta my budget. I got it for 300 euro, well over a year ago. 300 euro. And this machine rocks, and will continue rocking for years to come.
5. They are very artistic in there case design and is redesigned for every model.
Yes they are, that's a bonus when you get a Mac IMO, but nothing more than that.
Funny isn't it. WTH do you think I'm trying to tell you this x86 project is pointless get a apple hardware comptuer 5 reasons of the top of my head.
I'll not be running Mac OS X anytime soon. These hackers, hacking at it to get it working on non-Macs, I'd say they're doing it more outta fun than anything else. You could
give them each a Mac and the project wouldn't die.