Operating Systems > macOS

OS X 10.4.4 cracked for PCs

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--- Quote from: Xeniczone ---I know amd's own the pentiums. I just saying that yours is still a little dated compared to a san dieago core. At these rate I will have to buy a new x86 computer and attempt to run mac on it. 2 hard drives on it one for mac and one for windows vista because im a gamer and they only release halo 2 for vista :(
O ok, the winchesters Haven't heard of them for a long time. Guess I never really cared. I build a 3.0ghz 64bit pentium 4 and I have build amds. As fare as I know I will stick to amds on the windows side and intel (with no other choose) on the mac side. The first thing that happend when i turned on that pentium 4 was the processor overheated and it shutdown. I called intel saying I had there heat sink on it and all that they couldn't answer me what was wrong with it. So, I just fiddled with the heatsink and I finally got it running at 143 degrees max 170 ouch that is a lot. amds run at a nice 90 or so.
Mac on x86 will be hard to do because you have to sellect only mac supported devices like maxtor hard drives. Or ATI video cards etc...
I wish someone will post a video tutorial of how they did it and show step by step how to do it.
--- End quote ---

Proper grammar and spelling would go a long way toward making your posts seem less like the ramblings of a raving lunatic and more like the ramblings of a regular lunatic.

I'm a regular lunatic.  All of those who think they're telekinetic, raise my hand.  :D


PS Buy some canned air for shit's sake.

A) It's not appropriate to criticise his grammer and spelling.  English is obviously a second language.

B) Is it about time for captain fucking Kirk?

If you install OSX on your IA, Steve Balmer will fucking KILL you.

For fucks sakes, if you want a Mac... BUY A FUCKING MAC!!! Hell, whenever I go into an electronics store where they have Macs on display... I go straight for BASH and:
$ passwd

Just throwing that out there. If I had a Mac I'd use Linux on it and run OSX whenever I felt the urge (cringe) to play Sims2.


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