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Nothing compiles ... ever !!!

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You know, I've never done it, but it ought to be possible to produce a configure and makefile yourself, shouldn't it?  Using tools like automake and autoconf.  Doubt that would help you too much, since it probably requires a source tree or something.

The multi-application wrapper on this thing might be the problem.  If you downloaded nethack (and the others) separately, you'd probably have better luck.

Pft, when I "make nh343" I get this error:

--- Code: ---gcc -O2 -ffast-math -DNETHACK_3_4_3 -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include `sdl-config --cflags`   -c -o ../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.o ../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c
../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c: In function 'noegnud_gui_create_button':
../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c:635: error: invalid lvalue in assignment
make[2]: *** [../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/stuff/sources/noegnud-0.8.3/variants/nethack-3.4.3/src'
make[1]: *** [noegnud-0.8.0-nethack-3.4.3] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/stuff/sources/noegnud-0.8.3/variants/nethack-3.4.3'
make: *** [nh343] Error 2

--- End code ---
I took a little look at the source code and found the code gcc's complaining about.
Line 630 of variants/nethack-3.4.3/win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c is

--- Code: ---(noegnud_gui_twidget *)button=(noegnud_gui_tbutton *)noegnud_gui_create_window(
--- End code ---
I commented out the cast around button because it looks outta place (I'm no pro at this, but what noegnud_gui_create_window returns is being cast to a pointer to a noegnud_gui_tbutton, which is exactly what button is. So I don't see why button needs to be casted... EDIT: Now I see why the cast was there, but it compiles and works without it so...), so that line became:

--- Code: ---/*(noegnud_gui_twidget *)*/button=(noegnud_gui_tbutton *)noegnud_gui_create_window(
--- End code ---
GCC 3 mightn't have thrown an error there (otherwise I'd definetly expect it to have been fixed for that release).

So that was the only error I was getting, and now I have it installed and working.

Fecking hell my binary package is too big to attach (and illhostit is only taking images)... Anyone wanna gimme 1MB of space? It's onlt the nh343 bit, the data is waay too big and you shouldn't have problems installing that.
I'm not even sure if my binary package will work for you......

UPDATE: Ha, adding .jpg to the end of the package got it up on illhostit.. http://illhostit.com/files/2044736038371087/noegnud-nh343-paco.tar.bz2.jpg Rename it before uncompressing it.
UPDATEUPDATE: Okay, downloading that doesn't quite work. http://rapidshare.de/files/13433037/noegnud-nh343-paco.tar.bz2.html thanks to cymon.

rapidshare.de has 50MB of space, for anything, all for free.


--- Quote from: cymon ---rapidshare.de has 50MB of space, for anything, all for free.
--- End quote ---
/me bookmarks

I just got it up on illhostit, see my UPDATE at the end of my last post.

Actually rapidshare has 100 MB of space ...


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