Author Topic: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!  (Read 5134 times)


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Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« on: 16 February 2006, 21:28 »
I'm really pissed cuz nothing ever compiles on my system ... yeah I suppose it's my fault cuz I follow the install instructions and it still doesn't fucking work !!! This usually doesn't bother me cuz I can find binaries for most things ... but sometimes there are no binaries and I'm stuck with compiling, and it never works.

Specifically, I've been trying to compile noeGNUd ... probably the most difficult thing to compile in this sector of the universe ... and there are more errors than I can count when I try to compile it. Any suggestions. I was thinking of running the Window$ binary through cedega as a last resort :( (there are no Linux binaries available ... except for the oldest version ... unless someone knows more than I do)


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #1 on: 16 February 2006, 22:23 »
Do you even have the compiler installed?
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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #2 on: 16 February 2006, 22:26 » There's a HOWTO about compiling stuff if you wanna read it.

I'm compiling this thing ATM (don't even know what it is, yet..). It's running alright.
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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #3 on: 16 February 2006, 22:26 »
If you haven't yet, read this file:

I tried compiling it, seems like somebody has gone out of their way to make this difficult.  Simply running make, as the instructions advise, only produces some possible arguments to append.  make data gives a text warning, and nothing else.  make nh343 runs fine for awhile, and then chokes on SDL includes.  My system keeps its SDL includes in /usr/include/SDL/, which is a pretty normal place for them.  I suppose if you wanted to, you could go directly into the file that faults (in my case, noegnud-0.8.3/variants/nethack-3.4.3/win/noegnud/noegnud_interface.c) and manually change the path in the includes.  But that will just make more problems down the road.

Look around, there are a bunch of configure files that you can edit by hand that will make this process much smoother.  The makefiles you can edit by hand too.  I don't have time to sit here and fix this for you, but if you have any specific questions about a specific error, post them here.


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #4 on: 16 February 2006, 22:48 »
I wish it were a specific error like usual ... but there are a million errors ... I think the author of it is just fucked in the head. Surely he could have included the usual configure file, increasing the chance that the compile will work ... I suppose I should just give up, since it's just isn't worth it. So to all developers out there, try to make shit that has a chance of compiling by noobs such as myself. I'm not the only one who has a hard time with compiling this shit ... I've read many a comment on this.

P.S. Cedega can't handle this shit either ... just a black screen when I run it ...


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #5 on: 16 February 2006, 23:35 »
You know, I've never done it, but it ought to be possible to produce a configure and makefile yourself, shouldn't it?  Using tools like automake and autoconf.  Doubt that would help you too much, since it probably requires a source tree or something.

The multi-application wrapper on this thing might be the problem.  If you downloaded nethack (and the others) separately, you'd probably have better luck.


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #6 on: 16 February 2006, 23:43 »
Pft, when I "make nh343" I get this error:
Code: [Select]
gcc -O2 -ffast-math -DNETHACK_3_4_3 -fomit-frame-pointer -I../include `sdl-config --cflags`   -c -o ../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.o ../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c
../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c: In function 'noegnud_gui_create_button':
../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c:635: error: invalid lvalue in assignment
make[2]: *** [../win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/stuff/sources/noegnud-0.8.3/variants/nethack-3.4.3/src'
make[1]: *** [noegnud-0.8.0-nethack-3.4.3] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/stuff/sources/noegnud-0.8.3/variants/nethack-3.4.3'
make: *** [nh343] Error 2
I took a little look at the source code and found the code gcc's complaining about.
Line 630 of variants/nethack-3.4.3/win/noegnud/noegnud_gui.c is
Code: [Select]
(noegnud_gui_twidget *)button=(noegnud_gui_tbutton *)noegnud_gui_create_window(I commented out the cast around button because it looks outta place (I'm no pro at this, but what noegnud_gui_create_window returns is being cast to a pointer to a noegnud_gui_tbutton, which is exactly what button is. So I don't see why button needs to be casted... EDIT: Now I see why the cast was there, but it compiles and works without it so...), so that line became:
Code: [Select]
/*(noegnud_gui_twidget *)*/button=(noegnud_gui_tbutton *)noegnud_gui_create_window(GCC 3 mightn't have thrown an error there (otherwise I'd definetly expect it to have been fixed for that release).

So that was the only error I was getting, and now I have it installed and working.

Fecking hell my binary package is too big to attach (and illhostit is only taking images)... Anyone wanna gimme 1MB of space? It's onlt the nh343 bit, the data is waay too big and you shouldn't have problems installing that.
I'm not even sure if my binary package will work for you......

UPDATE: Ha, adding .jpg to the end of the package got it up on illhostit.. Rename it before uncompressing it.
UPDATEUPDATE: Okay, downloading that doesn't quite work. thanks to cymon.
« Last Edit: 16 February 2006, 23:58 by piratePenguin »
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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #7 on: 16 February 2006, 23:49 » has 50MB of space, for anything, all for free.


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #8 on: 16 February 2006, 23:52 »
Quote from: cymon has 50MB of space, for anything, all for free.
/me bookmarks

I just got it up on illhostit, see my UPDATE at the end of my last post.
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
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a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #9 on: 17 February 2006, 02:04 »
Actually rapidshare has 100 MB of space ...


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #10 on: 17 February 2006, 02:11 »
AWESOME !!! It fucking works ... it's hard to believe ... thanks a million piratePenguin :thumbup: :)


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #11 on: 17 February 2006, 10:14 »
It's a good thing I don't hate you TeX, it would have been too easy to make those binaries shell scripts that 'rm -rf $HOME' ;)
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #12 on: 17 February 2006, 21:03 »
but, how would you have made those into a 1MB file?

just wanted to say this:
I wish it were a specific error like usual ... but there are a million errors ... I think the author of it is just fucked in the head.
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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #13 on: 17 February 2006, 21:07 »
Quote from: piratePenguin
It's a good thing I don't hate you TeX, it would have been too easy to make those binaries shell scripts that 'rm -rf $HOME' ;)

Well, technically I could just open them with a text editor and see :D ... thanks for not hating me


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Re: Nothing compiles ... ever !!!
« Reply #14 on: 19 February 2006, 20:11 »
Quote from: Calum
but, how would you have made those into a 1MB file?
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
# blahblahblahblahblahblah
etc. ;)
EDIT: The compression algorithm might compress that well... Oh well, I could think of something I'm sure, perhaps involving /dev/random.

You could open them in a text editor TeX but... Did you? That is the question.
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 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.