Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law
DRM coming to Hard Drives
--- Quote from: davidnix71 ---64-bit computing and SSE2/3 are more to be feared. If new copyright material is produced in high quality encrypted 64-bit only with a copyprotect flag (no IDE redirect) enforced on the mobo by firmware, then you might no even be able to play it on 32-bit computers, much less crack and copy it.
Pirates will have to have nice camcorders to film what they want to pass around.
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And that's what makes this so stupid - pirates WILL film stuff and pass it around.
Goddamm techno-capitalists. All they want is money.
"We've sold everyone a TV and a car and a record player - what can we sell them now? Oh, hey, a personal computer, I bet lots of people will buy those."
And thus was the market flooded with consumer electronics for the manipulation of data.
"Gosh, now everyone has a computer, what else can we sell them? How about a cd player and a dvd player?"
And thus was the market flooded with consumer electronics for the playback of digital media.
"Gosh, now everyone has a computer and a cd player and a dvd player, what are we gonna sell them now? Better think of something fast, or we're going to have to suspend corporate bonus-bonuses this week. Well, I guess we could sell everyone a cd burner and a dvd burner, and cd/dvd copying software."
And thus was the market flooded with the tools required to copy/duplicate digital media.
"Well, that's about it, there really isn't anything more we can sell these people without putting ourselves out of business. Wait, I've got it! We'll sue the shit out of everyone on the planet, and get our money back. Brilliant!"
And thus were the courts and police blotters flooded with accusations of piracy and theft against people who simply wanted to try out their new digital media copiers.
to be continued...
--- Quote from: solemnwarning ---When i think about all the RIAA, MS and other shit on this planet i end up thinking one thing: The end is near, and there might be a war too
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What evil asshats should go against the wall when the revolution comes?
My votes:
Fritz Hollings
The Government (yup all of 'em)
--- Quote from: davidnix71 ---
Pirates will have to have nice camcorders to film what they want to pass around.
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No camcorders required all you need to do is write a program to play the film and re-encode each frame and sound byte - it's already possible.
You could probably just use mencode or transcode to do it ... you can even capture streams ... although it's probably illegal to do so
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