Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law
DRM coming to Hard Drives
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---That's true, here in the UK you can get 10 years for pirating a film which is similar sentence to child abuse and a lesser sentence than being found with child porn on your PC. :rolleyes:
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Holy shit ... that's definitely not a good sign :eek: ... dammit we gotta do something ... but what ?
One very radical idea that just popped into my head is to either boycott all companies acusing people of "piracy".
Or, pirate the shit out of everything from these companies until the owners are homeless, literally !
Note: These require massive support from the public in order to have any effect whatsoever
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---That's true, here in the UK you can get 10 years for pirating a film which is similar sentence to child abuse and a lesser sentence than being found with child porn on your PC. :rolleyes:
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I didn't know that the UK had the same problem, but it makes perfect sense.
Children have no money. How can they buy off legislators to get laws that will properly protect them from sexual predators?
The movie and music industry has lots of money. They are, and will continue to buy laws to protect their business interests. Moreover, they are and will continue to buy legislation to expand their business interests and control over content beyond copyright law, using "piracy" as an excuse (such as the proposed "analog-hole" legislation).
--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---Holy shit ... that's definitely not a good sign :eek: ... dammit we gotta do something ... but what ?
One very radical idea that just popped into my head is to either boycott all companies acusing people of "piracy".
Or, pirate the shit out of everything from these companies until the owners are homeless, literally !
Note: These require massive support from the public in order to have any effect whatsoever
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I have been working on this for the past 6 years :P
--- Quote from: mobrien_12 ---Yes, but may I point out that more and more, the US government is for sale to people with $$?
Already, there are laws on the books for taking a video camera into a movie theatre. These have harsher jail terms than for most violent crimes. No, I'm not kidding. Beat the shit out of someone, and you will get out of jail faster than if you get caught with a video camera in a movie house.
That is, if they bother to prosecute the violent perp in the first place. From my experiences, I can tell you that that the police probably won't even bother to arrest the perp, even if they have witnesses and know exactly where he is (unless he puts his victim in the hospital). Cops just don't care... but OMFG pirating a movie!!!! You evil son of a bitch!
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It just gets funnier when you figure in that some murderers and rapists get out faster than someone who tries to record a movie in a theater.
I predict the MPAA and RIAA will attempt to have piracy reclassified as a terrorist crime by the end of the year. Why is it that I can seriously see someone being locked up in Guantanamo Bay with terrorism suspects and denied access to a lawyer for ten years before ever seeing the inside of a courtroom?
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