All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Microsoft: Upgraded Motherboard = New Windows Licence
--- Quote ---Microsoft recently made a change to the licence agreement saying that a new motherboard is equal to a new computer, hence you need to purchase a new Windows licence.
Here is what Microsoft has to say:
--- End quote ---
See all the bullshit they have to go through? After writing one line of their EULA, they have to continually add to it every month. Jackasses. If they had just said "Hey, if you use this on your computer, it'll be easier", and handed out the software, we wouldn't be having these discussions. Or this forum. But they had to try to wring every customer for every dollar they have, and that gets tiring and legally difficult after awhile.
Lead Head:
From what I can see its only for OEM lisences though. In June when I got my new mobo, I just called Microsoft (painful having the computer saying Did you say 5E73 blah blah 8 times over and over again) and said i got a new mobo and they gave me the lisence number to activate it. but its still BS.
Man I really hope M$'s greed eats them out of business ... unless their customers are a bunch of gutless, mindless zombies that will eat any bullshit served to them ... in that case, they will flourish as a pillar of evil sucking out the money of their brainless, carefree customers. If people would stand up and not take shit like this, well shit like this wouldn't happen.
You might disagree with me putting the blame on consumers, but truly they decide what companies win and loose by their purchases. Of course, they are in a kind of trap hampering their efforts to stay away from companies like this ... oh wait, they don't care ... bahahahh, they deserve it ... that's all I can say, fools deserve no pity.
This is stupid, so Microsoft are starting to tax computer upgrades now, well fuck that I have no intention of paying.
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