Operating Systems > macOS
And Apple starts to be a dick, again.
If that is all they are doing, then I suppose there is no harm in their actions. Let's hope that was their sole motivation.
They would really perfer you buy there hardware or they would end up in a issue of only selling software (aka microsoft) and with that may become the biggest dicks like microsoft.
You must understand that x86 project has a lot of illegal content on it. Apple now sees this and they must shut it down if the illegal content gets out of hand. Most of the people that are interested in this project got there Mac OS X from - or -. I have cut the names because I like mac and I wouldn't want to set more ppl trying to download it.
Mac is only trying to shutdown illegal links to there software. There slogen I guess you could call it for this is "Don't steal Macintosh. It's not cool."
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