All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Windows Vista build 5308 out

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--- Quote from: Pathos ---err... y would we do that?

--- End quote ---

Well at the time I posted that, it seemed that a number of people here were ok with upgrading to Vista ... maybe it was just my misunderstanding ... or maybe not

Its better than before but still not worth the price tag.

The only way they could get me to use Vista is to threaten me with the US Nuclear Arsenal. If it comes preinstalled on all new PCs, I'll build from scratch (and get a better machine, anyways).


--- Quote from: _kill__bill ---I'll build from scratch (and get a better machine, anyways).

--- End quote ---

If people start doing that then they'll just start selling all hard disks with Windows on them.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---If people start doing that then they'll just start selling all hard disks with Windows on them.
--- End quote ---
C:\WINDOWS|â–ºformat C:\


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