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Wow this Xserver is really cool. I think you should check it out.

--- Quote from: "Wikipedia" ---Xgl is an X server architecture, started by David Reveman, layered on top of OpenGL via glitz. Nowadays, most PCs are shipped with a 3D graphics card (foremostly from NVIDIA or ATI Technologies) and Xgl allows the X server to take advantage of its 3D processing power, assuming suitable drivers are available.
--- End quote ---

Wikipedia link

Ubuntu howto
Gentoo howto

Seems like all major desktop systems are moving towards hardware acceleration (OSX, Windows Vista and GNU/Linux). Well, I'm not entirely sure but I think that this can be a very good alternative for those with newer ATI cards who want to use real transparency as fglrx doesn't work with xcompmgr. Remember that this isn't even beta software but alpha so it might be unstable.

BTW, check out these videos:

Gnome and XGL
Another KDE and XGL video

So ... this means more flashy desktop interface ... or something more than that ?

That GNOME vid is funny ... all the windows are wobbly ... like they're made of jello. I don't quite see a use to the wobblyness other than "oooohhhh ... neat ..."

Lead Head:
If you show a windoid that they will be like "leik! OMG! TEH WINDOWS ARE TEH WOBLY! ME WANTS NOW BIZATCH!"

There's a fedora project like this right now.

I think it's cool that people are doing this, just 'cause they can.  However, I probably wouldn't use it.  

There's no point.

It does serve a use in a Windows vs. Linux argument:

"Look, Linux can do useless effects too, just like Windows Vista and Mac OS X can!"


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