The Xbox 360 is a better system then the Ps3(power wise)
You think the ATI chip and the custom made IBM cpu inside of the Xbox 360 is better then the Cell chip and the Reality Sysithiser!!!!!
What have you been smoken, what ever it is give to me it has to be strong (joking)
The xbox 360 is still using texture mapping.
Playstation 3 is moved on to a much more complex system used in movies that looks to real to be true. Off course the ps3 still doesn't look as good as the movies because it can only do 2.13 trillaflops per second and a super computer render farm would put out about 36 trillaflops per second. But it is much better then the xbox graphics.
Another thing is the Sony,Toshiba,IBM Cell chip is almost twices as fast as the IBM chip in Xbox. Not by speed but other physics. Like the Cell has 7 cores(it has 8 but one is disabled for some reason) the Xbox only has 3 cores.
7 cores is like a core dedicated to each items of the game. One core for sound one for geomitrys one for programming one for the ps3 os etc.
Not to mention Ps3 use of br-rom with holds almost 10x a normal dvd like xbox uses.
Sony ps3 also has a high quality of definition I think 1280p can't remeber the exact number.
Bluetooth is much better then xbox wireless. there has been reports if you have 2 xbox 360's in the same room they will pick up the others controllor. and ps3 has 7wireless 1 wired (8 controllor support) xbox only has 4
problem with 8 controllor support is can you imagine a 13in tv split 8 times

I like the ps3 looks better then xbox360 when I first saw a xbox 360 I thought it looked really good. Then I saw it in person wow didn't look so good to me anymore. I dont know why but to me (if you look at it in person) the cd rom looks out of place or something I can't explain it.