All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware

Xbox 360 errors

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this is from a long time ago but...

Is it bad enough they can't build a reliable OS but they can't even build a game system correctly.

-Power supply over-heat: Many have said there xbox 360 stops after so long of play. This is because there exturnal Power supply over heats and there has been no recall for new ones. Sony in europe have done a recall on there faulty power supplys. Is it hard for microsoft to admit there is a mistake or do they just like users of there hard ware to suffer.

-Cd Scratching: I thought the time that dvd come out you wouldn't have to worry about the dvd player eating the dvds the same way VHS tapes did in a vcr. Well Microsoft proved me wrong. Some systems only do this when you move the system. Others do it just to piss you off like microsoft likes to do.

- Screen of death: Ok, we have all seen windows and it's blue screen of death. So what does microsoft do they put a black screen of death on the xbox. WTF This is the first game system to crash this isn't right.

Lets all say thanks to microsoft for ****ing up the game industry.

SCREW the xbox 360 i'm getting the playstation 3.


--- Quote from: Xeniczone ---
SCREW the xbox 360 i'm getting the playstation 3.
--- End quote ---

Me too ... unfortunately, it will include DRM :( I'm not sure of the implications of the DRM on a game console though.


--- Quote --- Microsoft  $ony and  all corporations that act like these two
--- End quote ---

what is wrong with sony?

--- Quote ---DRM
--- End quote ---

What do you mean by DRM what is it?

I'm going for the revolution personally. Sounds novel.

The current forecasts of the PS3 being expensive and late are not good.

To be competitive with microsoft sony have needed just as much cost cutting.

I've never bought a console within 5years of its release anyway :P wait for it to be really cheap first


--- Quote from: Xeniczone ---what is wrong with sony?

What do you mean by DRM what is it?
--- End quote ---

It's a rootkit ... basically with it $ony owns your computer ... they know everything you do (or at least have that capability)


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