EIGHTH TIME IN LESS THAN A WEEK!!! It just crashed on me an instant ago, when I was playing my favourite game, and I lost my savegames! :mad:
UN-F***ING-BE-LIE-VA-BLE! And that system crashed only once in Windows 2000! Even Windows 98 was stable compared to this!
What kind of utter piece of s**t is that??? The last time I had so many crashes was 5 years ago with Windows 98 and ny crappy 233 Pentium 2!
It's been such a long time I've been using alternative OSes like BeOS and FreeBSD regularly that I had forgotten how unstable and buggy Windows is.
I think I've used that dodgy XPOS long enough to realise how much it SUCKS. I guess you were right, then: it just crashes by itself without any doctoring necessary. NOW I feel safe that my dad would NEVER want such rubbish.
I've had enough of this. I think I said I had deinstalled XP, but I only erased Longhorn; I was too lazy to erase XP. Time to do what I was supposed to have done in the first place...
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Whew! That calmed me down.
Okay, I feel much better now.
[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]