I was trying to make my own rpms but upon encountering lots of problems and just cuz it was a pain in the ass to do I found that you can actually make your own self-extracting archives ... which is really cool
http://linux.org.mt/article/selfextractAn example ... after compiling and installing the game
make prefix=/home/USERNAME/Stuff/MAKEBIN install
add all the files inside /home/USERNAME/Stuff/MAKEBIN to a tar.gz call it toppler-1.1.2-fc4-i686-bin.tar.gz
write a header script call it toppler-header
SKIP=`awk '/^__ARCHIVE_FOLLOWS__/ { print NR + 1; exit 0; }' $0`
echo ""
echo "toppler-1.1.2-fc4-i686-bin"
echo "this package is built for Fedora Core 4 on i686 architecture"
echo ""
echo "!!! You must be root to install this package !!!"
echo ""
echo -n "Options: Type i to install, r to remove, or any other key to quit? "
read switch
if [ "$switch" == "i" ]; then
echo "Installing ... stand by"
tail +$SKIP $0 | tar xz -C /usr/local
echo "Done"
elif [ "$switch" == "r" ]; then
echo "Removing ... stand by"
rm /usr/local/bin/toppler
rm /usr/local/man/man6/toppler.6
rm /usr/local/share/applications/toppler.desktop
rm /usr/local/share/doc/toppler/AUTHORS
rm /usr/local/share/doc/toppler/ChangeLog
rm /usr/local/share/doc/toppler/COPYING
rm /usr/local/share/doc/toppler/NEWS
rm /usr/local/share/doc/toppler/README
rmdir /usr/local/share/doc/toppler
rm /usr/local/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/toppler.mo
rm /usr/local/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/toppler.mo
rm /usr/local/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/toppler.mo
rm /usr/local/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/toppler.mo
rm /usr/local/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/toppler.mo
rm /usr/local/share/pixmaps/toppler.xpm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/abc.ttm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/ball2.ttm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/m1.ttm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/pasi2.ttm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/ball1.ttm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/ball3.ttm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/m2.ttm
rm /usr/local/share/toppler/toppler.dat
rmdir /usr/local/share/toppler
rm /usr/local/var/toppler/toppler.hsc
rmdir /usr/local/var/toppler
echo "Done"
exit 1
exit 0
(I wrote this myself

and finally ...
cat toppler-header toppler-1.1.2-fc4-i686-bin.tar.gz > toppler-1.1.2-fc4-i686-bin.sh
You might want to note that you can install and remove the package without needing rpm ... that's exactly what I wanted ... anyway I thought it was a cool
And if you wanted to, you could make it input the install location ... /usr/local is the most logical place to put it though