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Vista, Mac OS X Clone?

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--- Quote ---I still don't understand all this 'vista copied off mac' stuff.
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Microsoft has always been copying off Apple. Have you ever seen the origanal windows before 95. 95 was just a stolen look of macintosh. Taking the taskbar and calling it the startmenu putting it at the bottom of the screen then switching it from all the icons from the left to the right.
And this can be proven for the fact billy used to work at mac.
windows whole excistance as said before is a lie. microsoft just picked and stole from other companys mainly apple but... Microsoft dos bill gate never made it. He bought it of another company.

--- Quote ---Oh look the BSOD ... oh, man, I'm sorry for ya,
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Lol your so right. but for saying the only thing I do with windows now is game I really dont care was it looks like I turn it on open a game and other then opening the game I never see the os looks.

My biggest problem is that Microsoft refuses to recognize any value in open source, they refuse to take off the gorilla suit and in the end it will hurt them.

They repeatedly freely steal others concepts without giving back, they PATENT everything... they go as far as to patent things they stole. They wait and until the competition they stole from has either died off or is crippled and are willing to forget about the stolen innovation and then M$ patents it.
Sorry Aloone I got ahead of myself but I STILL can't play 32bit DOS games in XP or 2000 even on a FAT32 system they run like SHIT...

PS I am a jerk... my real name is Arsehol Jerk McJerkin:D

Thats why we are in :)

I would agree with Apple always being a step ahead of MS in innovation. But I bet a lot of design choices were because MS looked at the options they thought were feasible and realised Apple had already implemented the best one. MS don't have the imagination to look out side the square.

But I see huge similarities between some of the OSS window managers and existing commercial OS's every day. No complains about that because they realise its just the best way to do things. KDE follows windows pretty faithfully with the KDE menu and toolbars (admittably they do a better job).

I will shut now until I've actually tried the latest mac (unlikely :( ) and vista (unlikely ...).


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Firstly you can't run anything lower than 16-bit code on an x86 platform (i.e 8-bit stuff) without an emulator.

Secondly, not all DOS software is 16-bit, games released after 1993 or so were mostly 32-bit like DOOM Duke Nukem 3D and Quake, they used a DOS extender which was essentially an add-on to the allow DOS to run 32-bit protected mode code.
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The 8086, 80286, and the 80386 and friends were all X86 platforms.

Lead Head:
You know that dumb little skiing game that came with windows 3.11? I downloaded it when I had winXP. I hadn't seen the recompiled 32bit version at the time, so i downloaded the 16 bit version. CPU usage was 100% during use


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