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Vista, Mac OS X Clone?

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Well fluxbox without anything is definitely not funcional ... but customise the menus a bit, add ROX-Filer, add a bit more software and it's just as funcional as any other window manager ... and the speed stays up.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---luna is getting pretty old. That's why I use Royale in XP now. It's not earth shattering, but I think it's nicer than Luna.
--- End quote ---

I like it but it's got a few bugs so I think I'll go back to the plain boring classic Windows style for now.

Themes are a waste of system resouces. I turn as much eye candy off as I can, and revert to Windows Classic.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder anyways. I don't think most of these mentioned are ugly (except for the default Windows XP theme). I prefer XFCE since it starts up faster than Gnome and KDE. Damn fast I would say with just the default things loaded. It also uses less memory than Gnome and less than KDE for sure. From reading this thread I installed fluxbox and am on it right now. I had been thinking it was something dinky WM with nothing on it, like some others I've tried (might as well go pure command line). I'm going back to XFCE. I'm not liking it for these reasons: it starts up slower, I think even a bit slower than Gnome and doesn't even have a splash screen, you're just there guessing if you can't hear the hard disk working. The menus are barren. I guess you have to configure everything yourself, and I'm guessing unless you script something up yourself, there is no dynamic menu loading like in the others? Another thing, the workspaces behave strangely. Like if you open gkrellm and have it as a panel, only one workspace will show it but windows will maximize to respect it in all workspaces. Big icons get cut sideways in the notification area. I'm not liking the look of it either. Just some dull blue with an empty gray background. I wouldn't call it ugly, but to me, a spifly themed GUI that remains fast and starts up fast and is easily configured right from it's GUI is more of a thing of beauty. But like I said, it's in the eyes of the beholder.

Well ... it does require a lot of configuration ... to generate the menus run:

--- Code: --- fluxbox-generate_menu --with-icons
--- End code ---

I dunno about it loading slow ... it loads nearly instantly for me ... XFCE takes about twice as long as fluxbox to load on my machine. And I don't use more than 1 workspace so I never noticed the problem you mentioned (pretty much everything I use is tabbed so I don't need workspaces). It does have a splash screen ... if you check your ~/.fluxbox/startup script, just un-comment the option (remove the # sign before it). As for the look ... that's extremely customizable:

Also, you should use feh instead of fbsetbg for the background, otherwise transparency settings will have no effect. If you want a window to retain it's dimentions and position, right-click on the top of the window (where the window title is) and check Remember > Dimentions, Position.

And of course XFCE is really fast too (especially compared to GNOME and KDE) ... it's not that bad, but I dunno, it just looks ugly ... yeah eye of the beholder kind of thing.


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