All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Vista, Mac OS X Clone?

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arg can't argue with the devil himself....


--- Quote from: Pathos ---

arg can't argue with the devil himself....
--- End quote ---

So there's a panther folder on OSX too isn't there ? Damn ... if it's true then you certainly can't argue.

Lead Head:

Sources>Panther. If that isnt photoshoped then it looks like Vista is using parts from panther. Can someone verify this>

it could have been a better world if ms and the other companies just
stuck to command-line os es and
mouse and shit only IN the games and programs :)
you can still have multi task os ...
but just command line style :D

This maybe apples big break. If microsoft release vista with all this stuff even the "Panther" folder then apple can sew and sew hard for copyright infragments. Because you shouldn't have to copy right everything you make the Mac OS X is copyrighted it's self saying that the os is copyrighted and everything in it. If microsoft release a replace calling it "it's own" then apple has everyright to sew. And if they do apple may become a bigger industry who wants to buy stuff from thefs


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