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Vista, Mac OS X Clone?
Or XP on a 233 64MB machine?
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--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Or XP on a 233 64MB machine?
--- End quote ---
Done it, expect with 128MB ram.
But that meets the min requirements on the box, Vistas min requirements is like a 2.4 Pentium 4 or equiv or something like that.
I did see a comp with A 233Mhz pentium and 60MB ram running XP, but it wasnt mine
I tried to run XP on my old 233 (could have been 133, not sure) mhz machine before I had this machine/discovered GNU/Linux.
Wouldn't install.
Think it was the CD ROM drive, too slow maybe.
I've used a machine with 128MB of RAM and XP briefly at a computer auction and it wasn't that slow. Most MS Office programs ran at an acceptable speed but I imagine it would've slowed down if I had several programs running or if I installed some anti-virus software.
--- Quote ---Congrats you are the only person insane enough to run vista on a p3
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I have plans to try to run it on a pentium 2 or a amd k6-2 475mhz I will take screens of it.
The Pentium 3 runs at 900mhz.
And is that a challange to run windows 98 on a 486? I would if I had a 486 motherboard I only have 2x 486 cpus.
:P I try to get the most out of old tech :P
windows xp lets see let me find my box...
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