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Vista, Mac OS X Clone?

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lol, I tried to put the windows vista cd in the 200mhz p-pro and it just ignored it. It wouldn't even startup the install thing.

Oh no, I'm sure you can put 98 on the 486, it will just be a boat anchor.  I put 98 on a pentium 1 (200 MHz) computer with 128 mb ram.  Frustratingly slow  without 98 Lite.

I think vista will require the i686 instruction set.  No pentium pro, no pentium I.

Plus, I'm willing to guess that the
Vista CD doesn't come with a boot floppy, so you can't put it on any computer that doesnt' support boot from CD.


--- Quote from: Xeniczone ---lol, I tried to put the windows vista cd in the 200mhz p-pro and it just ignored it. It wouldn't even startup the install thing.
--- End quote ---


The only old computer I've kept is an old 686 300 with like 80 megs of RAM and only because it's a Cyrix... that way when somebody comes over I can point and say look a Cyrix! And then they go either "Whoa" or "What in the fuck is that?!" Anyway the only OS's that I am crazy enough to run on it is 98 and Vector Linux.

hey pentium pros make good affordable server. Why 1 no fans 2 it is the dual cpu version of the pentium 1. 3 I really don't know I just like counting to 3.

They don't have fans (other then the psu) but they get really hot. REALLY HOT. but they still don't crash or anything stupid like that. I have set it up to read cd first I put a dvd rom in it and tried some windows 98 linux cds to make sure it could read on boot. I will try again but who knows. I got suse linux 10 running on it, it was rather slow but ok.

Pentiums cannot burn as they say, because they automatically tune down the clock speed as temperature reaches a critical limit ... it's not recommended you run them hot, but I suppose you could without too many problems.


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