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Vista, Mac OS X Clone?

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Lead Head:
P3s didnt throttle, the "Froze". And you shouldn't be glad. P4s are the hotest running thing around now. Actually the a Athlon XPs had the stuff to shut down properly in an event like that, but lazy mobo manufactures didn't put the nesacey stuff on the boards to make it work.

Current P4s can't throttle like that P4 and keep running without a heatsink.

Athlon 64s run much cooler then P4s right now, and they also shutdown if they overheat to.

Dunno why people compare stuff thats 5 years old to current stuff


--- Quote from: Lead Head ---Athlon 64s run much cooler then P4s right now, and they also shutdown if they overheat to.

--- End quote ---

Not quite:

Max case temp: (Higher is better)
Sempron 3400+ (2.0GHz - 256KB). .  .  .  . . .   69

that data isn't up to date or accurate.

Even if it is correct it shows that the top of the line AMD runs 5degrees c cooler then the P4 top of the line. And AMD top of the line out proforms intels p4 top of the line. So what you have just showed us is that AMD runs cooler and out proforms intel thxs for agreeing.
Intels run at 170 degrees F. (intel p4 em64t 3.0ghz) That is HOT. if you needed to matenence your computer you would have to wait for it to cool off before you touch anything near the cpu or you will burn yourself.
The test that shows amds going up in flame I agree with to a certain extent.
First, it didn't show that the pentium 3 will never work correctly again. Once the pentium 3 overheats it is gone forever you will be able to use it again but after 30min of use it will pause and contiune this because something inside it is messed up.
The pentium 4 I dont' know what will happen to it i have never overheated one. Since it is a intel i would say it may have the same effects as the pentium 3 if you leave it on too long with it overheating it will just die.
Amds when they overheat they die end of story but you really don't need to put too much care (or at least not as much as you do with intel) into keeping them cool because amds don't push the clock limit like intel. They look for other ways to make there cpus fast without clock speed.
But as it was said most newer motherboards when the computer overheats it will disconnect the power and turn off the computer before the cpu reaches it's critical heating point.

Lead Head:
@ Tex, in fact you are wrong. EVERY athlon 64 supports thermal shutdown. Tomshardware did another test with an FX 51, it shutdown. They comapared in to a 3Ghz or something P4, It didnt throttle, it shutdown just like the FX-51. The Athlons and Athlon XPs had rather poor thermal shutdown specs and stuff but not the Atlhon 64s. Also the power isnt cut the the CPU in Athlon 64s, it shutdowns the entire system. If you look, Current P4s do the same

@Zone, you are wrong to. I took the heatsink of a 800Mhz P3, and let it sit even after it froze. I Came back a few minutes later, Turned the system off, put the sink pack on, powered the rig up and too the heatsink off again and let it freeze, onces again i powered it down and put the sink back on. Now its happily running Rosetta @ Home on unbuntu.

Not quite. A fellow had his X2 4800+ run for quite a while with the watercooling turned off. The 'auto shutdown' feature was disabled by default in the BIOS. Only thing that saved the A64 was the large copper cooling block.


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